I love Nature partly because she is not man, but a retreat from him. None of his institutions control or pervade her. There a different kind of right prevails. In her midst I can be glad with an entire gladness. If this world were all man, I could not stretch myself, I should lose all hope. He is constraint, she is freedom to me. He makes me wish for another world. She makes me content with this. Thoreau Morning y'all,
It's a chilly day up top! The high yesterday reached 16 degrees and the overnight low got down to 5 degrees. It was 9 degrees at observation and the mountain has a spectacular view of clear skies above some valley inversion this morning. The mountain received 2 inches of new snow yesterday, bringing our total to about 5 inches with higher drifts. It is very difficult trudging. It took me about 20% longer than usual to come up Rainbow last night, it is like walking uphill in deep sand. Factor this into your estimated hiking time and please turn around by 3 pm, unless you really enjoy cold, wintry night hiking. I met some really incredible people this summer and one of them warned me to be careful about hiking without an iPod, because then I might have an original thought. In keeping with the holiday tradition, I spent a lot of time thinking about gratitude on my hike down and up Rainbow yesterday. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be up here, to let space and time affect me in a way that so few people get to experience. I am grateful that I feel compelled to make this particular experience a priority, that I have the patience to realize every season is a new journey and some things are worth sacrificing for. I am grateful to feel the every day grace and sense of peace that I imagine Henry felt when he wrote, "I love my fate to the very core and rind." I am grateful for every step I've taken, as they have all led me here.
Jackie Gabriel
11/28/2014 12:12:59 am
Hi there JP. I love reading your poems & comments. Looking forward to your posts. Have a blessed day. :)
Diane Mason
11/28/2014 12:20:25 am
Welcome back JP! enjoy your updates & comments! have fun on the mountain this winter!
11/28/2014 12:28:23 am
Great discovery----bobcat tracks. Maybe one early morning or evening you will be able to get a picture of big cat. Today's quote is so true---nature is an amazing feature of our world. Thanks.
Gary Bopp
11/28/2014 12:43:39 am
Thanks for the posts. Enjoy your over winter stay.
11/28/2014 01:50:54 am
Very good JP.
Michele C
11/28/2014 01:51:46 am
Other than Jesus Christ, you're the only other one who can put together words that describe what my soul feels. I never quite know how to explain how I feel but you do that for me! Thanks!
Old Blevins
12/6/2014 06:36:00 am
12/6/2014 10:52:42 am
tomk in SC
11/28/2014 01:56:36 am
You have a sharp eye for Bobkittens! The boot provides some nice scale. I don't know much about bobcats, but the print size suggests to me that the bobkitten was born this spring. IF that is the case, then there has to be a breeding pair, so there ought to be bigger prints about somewhere. I'm assuming that a bobcat would care for her young through the first winter. I figure that by March you'll have their whole walkabout schedule worked out!
Steve D
11/28/2014 02:13:38 am
Hey everybody-the Knoxville News Sentinel has a great article and photographs on Leconte Lodge by Morgan Simmons in today's newspaper and also at www.knoxnews.com. It is about Chris and Allyson leaving and their experiences. Check it out, it is on the front page.
Raz Theo
11/28/2014 02:16:43 am
A very hearty and much anticipated "welcome back" JP. I want to echo Michelle C's words. That is what you do!
11/28/2014 02:58:40 am
Hello JP, I enjoy your winter posts as much as the next guy I suppose.
11/28/2014 03:01:48 am
tomk in SC
11/28/2014 03:24:49 am
Walking on ice almost counts. Especially the thin ice atop LeConte. I saw this movie once, and, not even Bambi could walk on ice, so definitely somewhere between Bambi and the next Messiah, and that's not nothing. I think Bambi ends up being the King of the Forest or something, at least everywhere except Oz.
Renee Ryan
11/28/2014 10:31:10 am
Well now, Franklin, jealous much? What's the harm in some of us saying how much we enjoy JP's posts? He has a way with words and I look forward to his posts everyday.
11/28/2014 04:11:19 am
Welcome "home," JP! Looking forward to another winter starting my day with your thought-provoking posts & lovely pics. Have a wonderful time on the mountain!
Vickie Pavlik
11/28/2014 04:23:02 am
Although my husband and I day hiked to LeConte Lodge over 20 years ago, we are new to this blog. Would you please comment on your daily routine as winter caretaker.
Renee Ryan
11/28/2014 10:33:17 am
Oh, he will..don't you worry! His blog is terrific :)
S. Balsam
11/28/2014 04:56:22 am
Wow Franklin, bitter much?!?!?
11/28/2014 05:23:03 am
tomk in sc, you are right, that's women for you. still like to keep up with the mountain any way!
Delores Maness
11/28/2014 07:12:34 am
JP I am a woman and i love you writings Each day is new insight to what is going on the mountain i am connected to. And i can worship the Creator through your words. Thank you Thank you Thank you
11/28/2014 07:13:58 am
I was not being critical of JP in my earlier comment. I enjoy a well turned phrase and beautiful photo, and read the blog every day. I was commenting on the postings of other readers. Lets not forget Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill and Johnny Appleseed. JP is a unique individual and no comparisons are needed. Just my opinion.
11/28/2014 07:19:10 am
I love the comment about always having an iPod! That is great!!! About like making sure you always have a cellphone at a restaurant so you can text... or else you might have to talk to the one you're with. Have fun hunting for the bobcats!!
11/28/2014 11:57:47 pm
Here is the 2 minute video interview with Chris & Allison:
cindy gregory
11/29/2014 12:51:01 am
I love reading your writing! ! 💗 Comments are closed.
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