Morning y'all,
The high yesterday reached 38 degrees. The low was 33 degrees. It was 33 degrees and clear up top at 7am observation. The mountain received 1.17 inches of rain yesterday, starting at around 3pm up here. The snow is patchy up top, but there are still some sketchy sections on the trails. Please use caution! I had a great early morning hike down & up Alum this morning. I started off with the stars and ended just as the sun was hitting the solar panel. After yesterday's near hypothermic conditions, the sun was quite a welcome sight on the upper slopes this morning. The change in conditions felt like a microcosm for the transition from winter to spring - a miserable joy in harsh, cold rain with periodic bursts of beauty followed by unexpectedly warm sun, absurdly fragrant smells and the gentle sounds of the world awakening. A hike to savor, rather than survive...
3/12/2013 06:34:14 am
Surviving v. savoring:
3/12/2013 07:32:37 am
You hit that nail on the head Kent.
3/12/2013 01:18:49 pm
Debi; that was me that jumped in and spoke about Isle Royale--sorry to have spoke in your stead on it but I had just attended a Sierra club presentation on I.R. and was all fired up! :) ps.the presenter said that June is buggy there
3/13/2013 10:16:18 am
deedee, no problem. I haven't been there, so I am glad some one could tell him something. What part of Michigan are you from?
3/13/2013 10:34:30 am
Hi, Debi..I live in the suburbs north of Detroit - and am seriously envious of your proximity to Lake Michigan which I so love :). Ludington is superb!!
3/14/2013 05:58:08 am
Therer are 26 national parks at here and a few UNESCO World Heritage Sites that one of national park.
3/14/2013 07:25:42 am
My birth place is a littel cold and snowy place when I was little of 10 saw a snow desert with hills and trees out of windows at the morning.
3/14/2013 09:09:54 pm
I like to for presentation on here at there it need a long time for get data and prepare a paper of without with worths slides it must be have too and much too.
3/12/2013 05:57:11 pm
Thank you I read your write about the black Bears.
3/12/2013 06:14:51 pm
The black Bears are at south eastern of here and is not safe by persons even for us and there is an active volcano and beautiful and the brown Bears are at north and western of here.
3/12/2013 07:23:52 pm
I think you are excellent.
3/12/2013 09:08:19 pm
We are like together and can editing a handbook of 4 editions for tourists section of geology by I and section of cultural and wildlife by you.
doug y
3/12/2013 07:58:46 am
Yes, indeed, Debi ! My fault ! And I'm glad that I did ! Thanks for the great information. I will certainly take some time and learn about your area. I looked in my "man cave" out in my big building out back and discovered an article on Isle Royale in a National Geographic book I had nearly forgotten about; it was one of several on our National Parks, highlighting some of them in various parts of the country and I.R. was one; it really made me want to go there. It certainly appears that there are a lot of interesting places near you, too. Kent: very well said, very well said ! That's precisely what and how I feel and think when I'm hiking; after all, it's the Journey that's the destination, eh !? It's difficult for me to select just two or three photos that I like the best from this site because every single day there's usually at least one that stands out, one that exemplifies the essence of the mountain, that depicts exaclty how and what I envision in my own mind and heart. I like your idea, though, and will look forward to seeing what everyone else selects; I'll try to add to the list as best I can. Just take another look at the photo above; I see precisely that essence of being out on a trail in it ! Wonderful ! Weather permitting, I believe the big annual re-supply airlift will take place this coming Monday, the 18th. I hope to try to get down there and observe and possibly offer a bit of assistance if needed and wanted, or simply snap a few photos. I was told that with that landslide closing Rt 441 from Newfound Gap on down to near Cherokee somewhere that there's a possibility that the staging point could be moved to a different location; I was wondering where that might be............Great day here right now; bright, sunny, only partly cloudly, just the sort of day that stirs my heart and desire to get OUT !!! Good afternoon all !
doug y
3/12/2013 08:09:27 am
tom k: I believe that some of the photos you referenced were ones I use as a desktop background, which I change almost daily; One thing I enjoy when the lodge is open and operating is the list of "Guest Sightings"; It's interesting to see and read about the many different people that are guests up there, and I wonder how many of the readers here, those who also post their comments, also have had their photo taken and placed under that category ? Might be interesting to see them ! The Knoxville news reported another tragic accident today in the Smokies, this one at the "Sinks" where someone drowned I believe. That is a dangerous spot; I remember once diving off a cliff into the water there; of course, that was some years ago when I was young and foolish. Well, I'm still foolish sometimes; but taking chances like that is something I think I've grown out of. Afterall, even though my body was blessed by Mother Nature, then cursed by Father Time, I certainly don't want to inflict any pain or injury needlessly ! G'day
Judy V
3/12/2013 08:10:53 am
Debi I've actually crossed Lake Michigan on the Badger a long time ago. Loved it! I love the Smokies even more. I'm coming back down the end of April. I'm really really enjoying this blog. Thanks JP and everyone else that's here also.
3/13/2013 09:09:24 pm
Judy, I've never been on the ferry. I tend to get sea sick. I like to stand on the pier and wave to everyone. Its a monkey see monkey do. Watch this kids I would always say. I wave they wave. I'm just the local greeter. Theres alot of us that do that. That old boat just amazes me everytime it comes in our little harbor, just how big it is..
3/14/2013 06:56:36 am
Monkey is not at here the people are beatiful at here but a few kinds of animal are special in here only near delet tiger= deleded lion= deleted more of 50 years.
3/16/2013 04:44:30 am
In the nation park of ths province , wild goat 1900,wild seep1600,deers 480 , year of 2012.
3/12/2013 08:48:39 am
Ken T
3/12/2013 09:50:10 am
Fantastic. Thanks for posting.
3/12/2013 04:05:43 pm
Winter wonderland. Thanks for sharing with those of us not willing to climb our mountain in such conditions. Magnificent!
Brian N bama
3/12/2013 11:40:22 am
Does anyone know the day of the air lift for supplies? I would like to witness that one time. Almost got to see it last nov. a few days after the big snow.
Tony Ga
3/12/2013 12:07:25 pm
In doug y's post today, he says Monday the 18th?
doug y
3/12/2013 12:51:42 pm
Mark at the Sevierville office mentioned that the airlift was tentatively scheduled for Monday the 18th, but he also said that with Rt 441 being closed beyond Newfound Gap that the staging area could possibly be located elsewhere. I'm going to call them back in a day or two to see if I can find out some definitive information; I, too, would like to watch it just once out of pure curiosity.
tomk in sc
3/12/2013 03:23:10 pm
I'm guessing they will be able to use the usual spot as it is above the faliure. The question is where to watch from. Myrtle Point? The LZ? Easiest might be on the AT, perhaps at Icewater Springs.
doug y
3/13/2013 01:03:53 am
tomk: I was thinking that, too, as their usual staging location is just a wee bit below Newfound Gap. As for where to observe it from, there are several advantageous spots from which to do that, I would believe. If I was up on the mountain I'd want to be right at the lodge for all the action. From Cliff Tops, or Myrtle Point as you mentioned, one could watch nearly the entire "lift" from each point. I'll probably be at Newfound Gap where the only part I won't be able to see is the unloading at the lodge. Of course, between now and then I could very well change my mind and hike up n the mountain. probably the day before and stay at the shelter for the night, but I probably wouldn't have my 'big' camera with me. It's a matter of choice. Someone was rather criticizing me recently for hiking alone, which is what I've done for more years than this person has been alive ! I must necessarily submit to my advancing age. although my mind is lagging far behind that !! At the time I was pretty bloody angry at this person, but I kept my marbles together and simply listened to the person's opinion. I made no reply but thanked him for his suggestions and walked away. I've reflected on that conversation for several days now but my determination to get out and hike is unchanged. The only opinions I will listen to and regard with thought and respect are those from my friends here on this site that I consider to be honest and sincere. It's the 13th this morning and it seems like spring is rushing at me with great speed and force ! I welcome it gladly and with intense anticipation ! G'day.
Steve D
3/13/2013 02:01:39 am
Hey Doug-I have been told the same thing about hiking by myself, now that I am in my 60's people naturally think that there is something to worry about. Of course there is a risk every time you go out there, and if you are well equipped and smart about where you are and what you are doing-then you have minimized your risks.
Tony Ga
3/13/2013 02:08:28 am
I always tell my wife if I "go" while I'm running, mountain biking or hiking, know that I went happy doing something I love.
norman [airborne] acworth,ga
3/13/2013 02:24:08 am
right on!!
Susan B
3/13/2013 02:26:38 am
For myself - I would like to hike with someone else but everyone thinks I'm crazy to hike as it is. I have my 13 year old daughter with me and I've asked her before "what would you do if something happened to one of us?" Her response was stay with me and scream. Great! That will really get us somewhere fast! For now, the best thing for myself and for Jenna is to stay on those trails that are well traveled, carry the whistle and yes, the cell. We don't like having it but its a safety thing.
doug y
3/13/2013 02:36:56 am
I was going to wait until today's photos showed up, but I wanted to reply to the above comments. Steve D: as it was often uttered back in those glorious days of the 1960's: RIGHT ON !! I intend to have my ashes thrown off the precipice of Cliff Tops; I worry about only finding someone to do that for me. And, yes, we're all certainly safer on the mountain ! And Tony Ga: I believe that you and I will die with our boots on ! Someone asked me once about being "eaten" by a bear and I replied that as I'm not afraid of them, but give them their space, if a bear eats me the only thing remaining will be my skeleton with a huge grin on it ! I've got to meet with the person who criticized me for hiking alone and man oh man am I ready for him ! I hope his ears are thick and tough. I'll probably be back here this afternoon and let you know how that went ! I spoke with Christi at the lodge's office several minutes ago and she told me that the airlift is now tentatively scheduled for Tuesday the 19th as the weather forecast appears to favor those two days; the staging area will apparently be a little more down Rt 441 on the N.C. side as the usual area is where traffic is currently being turned around due to the closure, etc. So I guess I'll be at Elkmont campground for a night on the 18th {I am happy that the campground is open now !} then drive up top Newfound Gap the next morning armed with my 'big' camera. The lodge is scheduled to open on the 25th. One of these days I want to be there for the first two or three nights of the season !
doug y
3/13/2013 02:41:44 am
Susan B: I just saw your comments after I had already sent mine; Glad to hear your concerns on hiking; I, too, carry a whistle although I don't really want to; I hope you find someone to hike with; as much as I've preached here about hiking alone I think that it would be nice to have a companion out on the trails and I'm always available for that possibility, but scheduling is certainly problematic most times. G'morning, again.
3/13/2013 09:19:56 pm
Doug, Comments are closed.
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