Did I sleep through summer and fall? Old man winter does not seem to want to let go of the mountain. There are patches of snow all over camp. It was a cold wet day yesterday. The high was 40º with a low of 32º. The mountain got another 2.3" of rain. We seem to be stuck in a pattern. The clouds are hanging low again today. We are still receiving precipitation. It feels like it is time to plug in my "happy light". The only problem is power. We have gone so long without sun, our batteries are running low. I think today will be the day for the "Sunshine Dance". Don't ask. There will be no videos.
Randall Belcher
5/6/2013 12:04:24 am
Wishing we were there today. Love the mountain no matter the weather.
5/6/2013 12:35:38 am
Hi Allyson and Crew. I have been in the pace of life since mid April and did not get the chance to thank the Crew for the hospitality showed to us us on April 21-22. I crossed the half century mark and one of they ways I celebrated was a romp around the Smokies for a few days. We ended our journey with a trek in via Boulevard and night in the Shelter. For half the crew it was their first time to the Lodge and we spent the afternoon taking in all the sites, lunch with you all, some moments on the porch, sunset, even bought some Leconte gear (nice stuff and growing to, love it.) We even spent the pre dawn hours on the porch in camp watching the Meteor shower that night - had to wait for the bright moon to set - it was like spring during that time - beautiful! ha compared to todays report. Anyway thank the crew for another hospitable time at the lodge that help make turning 50 super. Hope to see you soon.
doug y
5/6/2013 01:00:26 am
Congradulations, PeePaw; some folks say that "it's nifty to be fifty", and I think I can remember that ! What a great way to celebrate, too, in the Smokies. The lodge certainly is getting plenty of rain this spring; same here, too. I think know how to do that "Sunshine Dance" ! That would be quite a sight on the mountain !
5/6/2013 01:07:40 am
Morning to all up top, beautiful day here in south Louisiana. Still would rather be there. If no videos, would you put out a couple of still shots with that wonderful camera of yours so we can see how the crew can get (Giggie) with it. It's bad enough we can't be there on a daily basis like you all, so I think I speak for the rest of us when I say please help ease our pain Allyson and send us a few shots. Will be nibbling on a few Bagnets a drinking a cup of French Market coffee waiting. Have a great day, Ryan
5/6/2013 01:21:49 am
With the weather steadily going downhill for the past week, I'm going to consider myself a lucky girl for the beautiful weather you were blessed with on Friday, April 26th. It was my first trip up to Leconte, and was the last day of my first vacation in 15 years. I'd never done "serious" hiking before, and ended up doing 30 miles in 4 days...saving Leconte to be the grand finale. I was alone and met many wonderful people on the way up, on the lodge's property and on the way down. There is an unexplainable energy with hiking in the mountains that I can only attribute to God's perfect grace. I got there in time to meet the llamas before they headed out, talked to a couple people and spent some quality time at Cliff Tops. My only regret...I was so excited and "into the moment" of what I was experiencing that I forgot to actually go INTO any of the buildings at the lodge and meet any of the wonderful people that run this daily blog that feeds my need for the mountain updates. (And the hot chocolate. From what I've read, I TOTALLY missed out!!) And, I missed out on my "I hiked it" shirt. Yeah...there were some things I missed, but I walked away with irreplacable memories, pictures and a peace in my heart I hadn't felt in years. Thank you for all you do...though I wanted to tell it to your faces. Perhaps next time... God willing, there will be a next time.
Steve D
5/6/2013 05:58:29 am
Shelley-Good for you- I love to hear from people who have hiked LeConte for the first time and we all would say "Keep coming back!"
5/6/2013 01:25:36 am
32 degrees! I bet the llamas are thrilled to have their summer haircut
Deborah Owens
5/6/2013 02:08:36 am
Hi Girls, wow snow...you girls rock u bada$$e$!! Stay warm and enjoy your accomplishment!! Luv Deb
Tracy G
5/6/2013 02:11:47 am
And I was complaining about a low of 36 in MS Friday nite! Snow in May. Good grief. Thank you for this blog. I look forward to it everyday. I too would love to see pics of the "sunshine dance."
5/6/2013 02:16:53 am
The white snow and emerging green grass makes is a nice photo even with the dim sunlight filtering through the clouds. Rember the adage of the mountaineer - you are either freezing or frying.
Susan B
5/6/2013 02:25:28 am
I think Winter just doesn't want to let go. We had a high of almost 90 last Wednesday and by Friday a high of 40 here in St. Louis. I would love to enjoy Spring before Summer.
5/6/2013 03:06:11 am
Snow in May is always a possibility. While at Western Carolina Univ. several of us hiked from Clingmans down to the head waters of Forney Creek for a 3 day campout, and on our way back up it snowed. The date, May 5th, 1969. Really weird !!
5/6/2013 03:15:18 am
I like your "Sunshine Dance" Idea! When my daughter was young, we use to do a "Snow Dance" in winter months by waving snowshovels in the air, dance around, and chant, "We dare you to snow!". Good Stuff!
5/6/2013 03:46:06 am
I live in the Florida the sunshine state so I'm going to go outside and do the sunshine dance for you! You guys need a break! I'm coming up in a few weeks and my hikers aren't waterproof so yeah... I'd like it to be dry and warm. hmmmm... maybe some new shoes will do. I'm coming up rain or shine!
5/6/2013 04:49:21 am
Try Kiwi Boot Protector. It's a silicone spray that will waterproof about any material while allowing breathability. Works quite well, I think.
5/6/2013 04:47:38 am
Wow, I see there's a big weather system going on down there. It sure is beautiful up here in Michigan. People here are saying where is our spring, it went from winter to summer. Hold on, it hopefully can't last forever. 5/6/2013 06:05:33 am
LeConte never disappoints. Here is a blog entry I wrote after my visit there last weekend, for those interested:
5/6/2013 07:39:37 am
Very eloquently composed, thanks for sharing that. : )
Ken T
5/6/2013 08:40:13 am
Beautifully written. If I as able to return to the Mountain it "will be the Best Ever".
5/6/2013 09:59:12 am
I love your writings Helen. as always ;)
Brian N bama
5/6/2013 06:10:42 am
The mountain must know I am on my way up in a few days. Think I have only been up top maybe twice when I did not need rain gear(or snow gear, LOL). Oh well, its packed and ready to go. Mt Leconte, I will conquer you once again in a few days.
5/6/2013 09:54:04 pm
Hopefully it will be nice for you Brian and have this mess out of its system. :)
5/6/2013 06:48:40 am
Ryan-La....envy you your beignets!! Visiting my daughter here in Tampa and we went to a Louisiana place last September that had beignets....will have to get her to take me there again! Sunny and 80 here ...will wish for the sunshine to move North a couple states until it gets to that wonderful mountain.
doug y
5/6/2013 07:16:30 am
Bravo, Shelley, bravo !! You are now under the spell of the mountain and the lodge ! As for beignets, I still order my mix from the Cafe Du Monde occasionally. It's how I keep my figure ! Raining here in C.KY again - - my yard is saturated and mowing my grass will be a chore as usual. I'm looking for a place to buy near the Park but cannot decide which area I might prefer; just a little cottage type of place will do. Anyway, as Steve D wrote, it is good to hear 'first time' accounts of visits to the lodge. Well, it's a deluge outside here now. TIme for more coffee............G'day.
5/6/2013 07:35:28 am
Its sunny down here in the valley and a nice day. While I know its still cool up on LeConte I am betting they have sunshine now. As I look over that way I can see the mountain tops and no fog
5/6/2013 07:44:21 am
Thanks Kent. Will try boot protector spray. I'm just PRAYING no rain! We hiked up to Alum Cave last November and it was snowy and icy but my shoes held up okay. Don't know about rain so I'll do what I can.
5/6/2013 07:49:30 am
I have a question about bears. I've done my share of short hikes and I am ALWAYS afraid of the darn bears. I have this vision of one coming around a corner and me running like a fool. So far I've never seen one up close. I know the rules but I think I would still freak and run. Should I be that scared? I've heard that black bears aren't that bad. Not like a grizzly that WILL eat you.
tomk in SC
5/6/2013 08:49:27 am
Actually, both bears will eat you, it's just that if you play dead with a grizzly, you might survive. Play dead with a black bear, and they appreciate your donation. Further, looking a grizzly in the eye is like picking a fight. An assertive stance might stop a black bear.
5/6/2013 09:35:33 am
Debnfl, in the past two years I've have seen a bear while hiking on six occasions. It has been my experience that the young ones have been curious and the older ones pretty much ignored me. Last year while hiking alone, as I usually do, a young bear ran out on the trail right in front of me. I think it actually scared him more than it did me because he ran. I have been told by locals that have lived and hiked these mountains for years that unless you get between a bear cub and their mother that they usually aren't dangerous.
5/6/2013 04:38:56 pm
You might be surprised by how many times you may have passed a bear sitting a few yards off the trail or walked under a tree with a bear resting above you. Unless black bears are moving they can be hard to spot.
Richard from MA
5/6/2013 09:16:16 am
I have read in a couple of places that the parking area at the Alum Cave trailhead can get filled up. We are coming to the lodge in two weeks -- on a Tuesday -- and wonder whether parking will be a problem. This is our first time in the Smokies and Leconte, so we do not want to waste time cruising for a spot. Looking for input from you Leconte veterans -- should we worry?
5/6/2013 09:40:11 am
Richard, week days usually aren't a problem. week-ends can get a little crowded, especially on a pretty day, with people going to Alum Cave. Good Luck!
Richard from MA
5/6/2013 10:41:58 am
Thanks, Larry. Can't wait!
5/6/2013 12:08:03 pm
I have parked at Alum Cave trailhead a couple of times. Once on a Sunday morning around 10 (in April) and the other time around 7 AM in October. Not a problem either time. I would say get there as early as you can. There are two parking lots so if the closest one is full go to the next one. I have seen cars parked on the side of the road also (not that I would want to do that overnight but you gotta do what you gotta do.)
5/6/2013 09:40:48 am
Alrighty, thanks for the bear info. Sounds like there's a good chance I could see a bear while hiking. I'll just have to believe they are more scared than me.
5/6/2013 09:48:19 am
Richard, don't worry yes it does get crowded but there is room on the sides of the road. The trick is to get a early start. 0630 get in line at the Pancake Pantry, fuel up with a western omelet 3 wheat pancakes and 4 strips of bacon with coffee and your good to go. You will get to the trail head around o830. Its usually not crowded at that time of the morning. Have a great hike.
Richard from MA
5/6/2013 10:47:30 am
Ryan, you are a kindred spirit, I see. We were shooting to be at the trailhead by 8, so pancakes will fit in nicely. Thanks for the info. Comments are closed.
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