_ Today I'm continuing the crew introductions with Bonnie Scott Northrup. Bonnie is winding down her third consecutive season on the LeConte Lodge crew. In 2010, we were cabin mates, and I can report Bonnie was a fine neighbor. Like her husband, John, Bonnie can pick up and put down the miles on the trail, too. She also possesses the most impressive mental clock regarding the LeConte daily schedule. Bonnie always knows what to do and when. She wrote the following introduction, so I'll turn it over to her and will wrap up with the weather report.
--------------------------------------------- Hello all! Nathan has graciously allowed me to use part of this blog post to tell you a little bit about myself. Most of you know all about the story of how John and I met and ended up married, so even though that is one of the very best things about my coming to work at LeConte, this time I’ll share something different. I was born in Marietta, Ga., to my parents, Allen and Susan. I’m the oldest child in my family. My “little” brother is 20 and my “baby” sister is one year away from high school. When I was nearing school age, my parents decided to homeschool me. Being homeschooled allowed me to have more time to focus on things that I really had an interest in, such as music. When I was four, my parents enrolled me in piano lessons and ballet class. I’m a bit of a klutz, so ballet didn’t work out so well, but it seemed I was a natural at piano. I continued playing at a competitive level until I graduated high school and still enjoy playing, although pianos are hard to find up here on the mountain. During my senior year, I got a job helping teach younger homeschoolers. It was this job that finally helped me decide what I would major in when I did go to college. I found that I loved helping children learn, and, in particular, learn to read. I decided to pursue a degree in elementary education. The next year I entered Kennesaw State University. I graduated in 2006 with my degree and got a job tutoring for homeschooling families and caring for younger children after school. Four years later, I’d been able to get some traveling under my belt, including a two-month trip to Europe and a month-long roadtrip out West. I realized that even though I loved the kids I worked with, I was ready for a change. It was time to get out of Georgia. I wanted to get to spend more time outside, so I applied for jobs in several national parks, but the one I got came as a surprise. I ran across LeConte Lodge while looking for a hike. I thought it looked interesting and applied for a job. Thankfully, I got it, and being here has been an incredible experience that I wouldn’t trade for anything. Living here in the Smokies has given me so many opportunities to experience the park and a new appreciation for the area and the people who live here. Thanks for letting me share a little of my life with you! ----------------------------------------------------- Now for the weather update. Thursday's high reached 66 degrees while the low fell to 53 degrees, quite a bit milder than some of the nights in the low 40s we saw just a few weeks ago. I was hoping to jinx us into some much needed rain by mentioning on yesterday's update that it hadn't rained much the last 10 days and hanging out some laundry to dry. Sure enough, in less than three hours, we enjoyed a decent little shower totaling 0.10 inches (not much, but a start). The rain and thunderstorm chances have been bumped up a bit in the upcoming forecast (Saturday 50 percent, Sunday 60 percent and Monday 50 percent). Happy trails.
8/31/2012 06:47:37 am
Nice to hear your story Bonnie. Great photo on Mt. Cammerer. I used to hike there from Davenport Gap frequently but haven't been in a while. I should have become a Park Ranger in the Smokies years ago but pursued a career iin engineering. Now that I'm retired I have a lot of time and would love to work at the lodge for a season or so. Perhaps I should keep applying. Regardless, the lodge is a wonderful place to visit and it holds a magical spell over me. G'day.
Pat N.
8/31/2012 07:40:03 am
As always, a great post. Glad to read about your awesome revisit out west, Nathan. Nice feature of Bonnie. We, too, are so happy that she applied and was hired to work at the lodge. A true Blessing to our family...and especially John. Her talents, accomplishments, and appreciation of all that surrounds her are wonderful gifts. Continue to keep the crew and that husband of yours in line, Bonnie! Anxious to read about the rest of the crew.
8/31/2012 11:47:06 am
Thanks for the profile on Bonnie, I always enjoy learning about the crew. Im a fellow "GA Peach" too Bonnie, although I live in NC now.
Brian N bama
9/1/2012 02:18:57 am
That is awesome Bonnie! My wife and I also home school our 3 kids. They are now in the 9th, 8th and 6th grades.The oldest loves leconte as we have stayed up top 4 times since last oct and are coming again this november. Keep up the good work.
Aunt Jeanette
9/2/2012 08:39:38 am
Nathan, thanks for the interesting Park Anniversary Story & the FDR touch! And thanks for introducing our dear Bonnie Northrup! We are so proud of her & her many talents including education, music, spiritual beliefs, love for her husband, family, friends, & nature. She is a great woman & wonderful LeConte Crew Member! Comments are closed.
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