There have been some comments talking about Woody the llama. I thought I would share with you what brought Woody to be the LeConte mascot for the next few days. As you are all aware, it has been very hot down below. Monday was one of those extremely hot days. Heat exhaustion can effect animals just like people. Woody was having a difficult day. The llama wrangler stopped at every water source to let them drink, but you can not always guarantee that they are drinking as much as they need to. Woody gave up about a mile from the lodge. The wrangler did not want to push him so he came up to the lodge to let us know what happened and send the troops. The crew put together llama chow and a lot of water and took off down the trail. After a couple of hours the rest of the crew returned and left Doug to watch over Woody. Later that evening the mountain was hit with a large amount of rain and hail. Doug took his umbrella and held it over Woody so he would not get hurt. In the mean time, we called the vet and asked her opinion about what to do. She gave us several ideas and things to try. The crew and some wonderful guests hiked down to try and get Woody to drink. They massaged his hind legs and tried to get him to stand. Realizing he was not going anywhere, Chris decided to grab his sleeping bag and sleep on the trail with Woody. The next morning Nathan took off down the trail to sit with Woody for a while. Nathan, being the Willie Nelson fan, decided it was time to sing to Woody. After everything we tried, Woody decided to get up when he heard Willie being sung. He walked a little ways and then stopped. Nathan did not want to push him so he let him rest. Chris then hiked down to relieve Nathan. Chris got Woody to eat ferns and grass. This must have been what Woody needed. The next thing Chris knew, Woody was walking up to the lodge. After two days we got Woody up to the lodge and have been spoiling him rotten. He has become the LeConte mascot. The vet sent medicine for him, which he gets every day. The crew and guests have made sure he knows how appreciated and loved he is. I did want to add that we will be sending Woody back to the llama farm as soon as he is fully recovered. He knows how good he has it up here, but I
7/30/2010 03:03:59 am
That is so cute! I am so glad you took care of him! I am glad no bears got him!:) I love Woody the LLama! Maybe Woody knows how to milk a good situation...I wouldnt leave either. Love yall! 7/30/2010 03:35:39 am
Woody is extremely lucky to have you guys! The story made me tear up.
Ron Adams
7/30/2010 03:40:06 am
Thanks for sharing the story about Woody. VERY much appreciated, and quite a story it is. So glad Woody is on the mend.......although you may have a heck of a time getting him down the mountain. If I was Woody, I wouldn't want to leave............
Pat N.
7/30/2010 03:44:38 am
God Bless you, Woody! Kudos to the rescue crew!
Ron P. Metcalfe
7/30/2010 04:04:47 am
So, if I were furrier and cuter, and I got tired on the trail, would Doug and Chris come stay with me on the trail, massage my legs, hand feed me, and then let me hang out at the lodge for a few days?
Pat M
7/30/2010 05:36:42 am
Woody is a very lucky llama to have so many people who care about him. Thank you to everyone who helped this story have a happy ending. Ferns, grass and Willie Nelson - who knew?? LOL!!
Megan J
7/30/2010 05:42:02 am
You guys are awesome! An excellent example of how we all should be with animals. Thanks for all you do and for not giving up. I like WIllie too. xo
7/30/2010 05:52:18 am
Ron might be onto something. Where could I rent a llama suit? Although if someone were going to massage my hind legs I'd rather it be one of the gals!
Doug Y.
7/30/2010 08:27:44 am
Absolutely a great story ! This should qualify as one for Reader's Digest or some similar publication. And, I believe it means even more to fans and devotees to/of the lodge. My thinking is that Woody was not exactly a Wille Nelson fan; Perhaps Three Dog Night, as in "Mama Told Me Not To Come" !!
Pat and Jeanie
7/31/2010 02:36:55 am
Ahhh! That's what we love about y'all! You love what you do and everyone and everything about being on the mountain! I think we've heard Nathan singing Willie before and he does a pretty good job. Wish we were there! We'll see you in September. Should we bring Woody a prize, flowers, send a card? Take care and thanks for sharing!
Connie Houk
8/2/2010 01:24:43 am
Love the story and the happy ending. And reading all these comments have made me laugh...what a great way to start the week!
-The Doctor- :-)
8/2/2010 02:19:44 pm
The Human Spirit is one of caring.
Leeann Booth
8/3/2010 03:38:11 am
Thanks to Doug for spending the night with him and for everyone that helped him. Will Woody be retired? 9/21/2010 04:42:00 am
Update on Woody, the llama! Woody is well-rested, happy and healthy with all his new llama friends here at Smoky Mtn Llama treks.He's gone on a few hikes(with no load or a light load), and doing just fine. He's fun on the treks and my customers love him! He's very vocal and a distinct hum, so you know when he's talking! I'm so lucky to have him and adore him! Stop by and see him anytime!
Vicky Stanifer
9/25/2010 04:12:01 pm
we love Woody, and we have not even met him yet. I have his picture hanging in my house and smile every time I see it. God bless Woody and all the other Leconte llamas. Vicky and family, Indiana
Tina Marie
10/2/2010 12:58:36 pm
We just happened to run into Woody and a few of his llama friends while hiking in the Smokies yesterday! I absolutely loved him, he is so friendly and sweet and soft. I had never seen a llama other than in pictures, it was so cool to be able to pet them and hear them 'talk.' What an awesome creature! Hoping to schedule my own llama trek very soon:) Thanks for the story! Comments are closed.
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