I posted so early this morning that I could not get pictures until day light. I thought I would show you what camp looks like right now.
10/29/2012 02:15:04 am
WOW! Great pictures! Begs for a cup of hot chocolate, a good book and a cozy fire. Who won the "when will it snow contest"? Hope all hiking up and down reach their destinations safely.
10/29/2012 02:15:16 am
Wow, I can't believe how much snow there is. It is lovely.
Pat N.
10/29/2012 02:23:25 am
OMG!!!! I knew you'd keep us updated...thanks. I bet you didn't have your sandals on for this shot.
Rick Tallent
10/29/2012 02:30:25 am
Wonderful pixs. I grew up in East Tenn and the Smokies are in my DNA. Seeing pixs of that awesome place helps me to survive living on the Gulf Coast of Texas. My heart will always be in the Smoky Mountains even if my body is forced to be in the flatlands. Thank you for the pixs......they take me back home if only for a few moments.
10/29/2012 02:30:28 am
HOLY COW ! ! ! what a change from friday....
Brian N bama
10/29/2012 02:35:23 am
Thanks Allyson
10/29/2012 02:50:45 am
Yes thank you Allyson for the great pics.
10/29/2012 03:09:49 am
Beautiful! Who did win the "when will it snow?" contest?
10/29/2012 03:32:24 am
Your photos are simply great ! I was speaking with a friend just a few minutes ago who said that if there was such a thing as "teleportation" I could "send" myself directly to the lodge !! No. That would be cheating to me. As I've said for many years: "The journey is the destination" !! It's the hike up and down that provides my inspiration, pleasure, and satisfaction. When I arrive at the lodge, a magical transformation occurs, and I'm at peace and looking forward to the solitude of the mountain as well as the company of those who share my passion for being there.
10/29/2012 05:22:16 am
well said Doug
10/29/2012 03:40:09 am
We have reservations for May and I cannot wait! Thanks for creating this blog. I will drink in the views until my time comes!!!
John Hanson
10/29/2012 03:56:31 am
Snow...Cold...Mt. Leconte...I want to be there..... listening to the sound of the snow under my boots.......feeling the cold air in my lungs........watching the snowflakes swirl through the wind......ahh yes!....well I will just have to imagine...Thanks for the pictures Allyson.
Ken T
10/29/2012 04:11:49 am
Thanks for the great Pics. We are in Sugarlands parking lot for Internet connection returning to Elkmont camp grounds and waiting for snow !!!!
10/29/2012 04:14:18 am
So who won the "First Snow" pool??? Great Pics by the way as we are in Philly right now...a little different type of precip!
10/29/2012 04:17:11 am
JP's drooling somewhere out of jealousy!!! Great pictures as always!
Cathy H.
10/29/2012 04:26:07 am
Oh how beautiful!!! I have been watching this site for a long time, Wish I could hike to LeConte, but health reasons keep me from that. This site allows me to dream and enjoy it even tho I can't be there. I was just in the Smokies 4 weeks ago and spent a week, planning another week in April. Thank you for all the beautiful pictures and taking time out of your busy days to keep all of us updated on everyday life on LeConte. Well I can say this... Its sooo prettttty from my computer. I'm glad all you Southern wonderful hiking people are liking this snow. Your Welcome Brian. Pat N., I know your a Michigan woman so your probably like I am, it will come soon enough. Hope those kids of yours hunker down up there. Allyson, stay warm, just think Beach, Beach Beach, warm,warm warm.... the pictures are great. Love all the postings, thanks!!
10/29/2012 04:59:39 am
@ LECONTE - Are the Llamas still running with weather like this? Thanks
Mary T. Carr
10/29/2012 05:00:07 am
My husband and I just day hiked to Mt. LeConte on Tuesday, Oct. 23rd. We hiked up Rainbow Falls Trail and descended Bullhead Trail. I am certainly glad we accomplished this with the beautiful fall weather at the time. Thank you for the wonderful snow pictures. I am not ready for snowfall yet! Mary~Michigan City, IN.
10/29/2012 05:24:07 am
If people in TN only understood just how brutal Mt. Leconte and the High Country in the Smokies can be this time of year. I love the study of how elevation effects the weather up top. Great pics. Keep us posted down here in the Valley.
10/29/2012 06:12:50 am
Beautiful shots. Hopefully, there will be a little of that white stuff left next week when I hike up for the day.
Maiden USA
10/29/2012 07:39:17 am
We hope to see you tomorrow if the road in the valley is open =-)
10/29/2012 04:12:00 pm
I am so jealous!!! Would have loved to have gotten snowed in to that paradise you call home! I can't believe that when I was there Wednesday and Thursday of last week I was wearing short sleeves! Miss the Mountain already! Comments are closed.
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