Happy Veterans Day to all who've served our country admirably. We pass along wishes that your special day is as beautiful as Monday on Mt. LeConte. As of Monday about 1:30 p.m., we're sitting above 50 degrees under blue, sunny skies. Sunday's high was 44 with an overnight low of 25.
The forecast calls for precipitation to move into the mountains Tuesday with an influx of cold air. That could mean snow or ice, but weather on LeConte is tough to predict. Any hiker should be prepared for tough conditions if we get bad weather, though trails are in racing shape today. Although the forecast calls for a frigid cold snap, the precipitation isn't supposed to last more than a day or so. Austin Bush takes over High on LeConte today with his crew introduction. All of the previous crew profiles featured newcomers, as we had several this season, but Austin is finishing up his second year at LeConte Lodge. I'll turn the story over to Austin. ---------- Anyone that has been following the blog for awhile knows that this is my second year working at LeConte. I am originally from a town named Kingston Springs, right outside of Nashville, Tenn. I grew up visiting the Smoky Mountains with my family, yet never hiked any of the trails up to LeConte when I was younger. My first time visiting Mt. LeConte was April of 2011 while hiking with my sister. I fell in love right away with the the idea of working at a hike-in lodge. Not even a year later I found myself working at LeConte, and I have enjoyed every moment of it. ---------- Thanks to Austin for providing his profile. Thanks for reading and have a good day. Happy trails.
11/11/2013 05:54:54 am
Great photo of the Linville Gorge, Austin. Was this taken on or near Table Rock Mtn? What route did you just complete?
HIgh on LeConte
11/12/2013 01:04:53 pm
Woody, 11/11/2013 06:01:43 am
Love these meet the crew posts! The talk of snow possibilities makes me giddy...I LOE that fluffy white stuff SNOW much ;) that I make the 2hr drive up Newfound Gap anytime it's forecasted! Do any of the crew have or does lodge have, a Twitter acct we could follow for "real time" updates? The blog is great but I'm a junkie who wants to know what the mountain top weather is doing between posts :(
11/11/2013 07:44:25 am
I have met Austin twice. Both times he has shown us to our cabin. Or sits in the office playing his guitar. Real nice guy, but of course your whole crew is great.
Joe Penland
11/11/2013 11:20:46 am
Austin and I think alike. Two of my favorite places are the Smokies and Ocracoke.
Renee Ryan
11/11/2013 11:59:31 am
I can't believe you never went to the Smokies when you grew up right outside of Nashville..that is crazy!! Glad you finally discovered it and fell in love with it like the rest of us. I always enjoy reading this blog and look forward to it everyday. Always good to learn a bit about a crew member. Received our first "dusting" of snow here in central KY this morning, although the approximately 1/4 inch or thereabouts was only sufficient enough to cover the grass in my yard and fields below. Of course, as I always do, I had the great desire this morning to be hiking in the Smokies while the snow was falling. A week or so ago I came up the Bullhead trail, but didn't stop to visit at the lodge as I was behind schedule. The bad knee again slowed me down so I had to press on. Surgery in February will alleviate that annoyance. But any time I'm on a trail in the Park I'm happy. I descended down the Trillium trail along which I met a few hikers, but regretfully didn't stop to chat for more than a few moments. That's not my usual preference as I always love meeting people, etc. I have reached a point in developing my own personal blog site for discussions and sharing of ideas, experiences, and photos and such where I've had to accept the fact that my level of technical expertise is not quite sufficient to fully implement the site, so, it remains "under construction"; but I'll get it right eventually ! Seeing the photo of Austin camping on the Outer Banks made me realize that I've never myself camped at such a location. I really must try it before too long. Not much time remaining in this season for the lodge. I'd love to be up there this very moment of course ! I really should talk to Tim Line about working up there myself as I know I'd be an asset with all my experiences, etc. But perhaps an "old fart" like me should be content with simply being a guest ! G'day Comments are closed.
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