_Morning y'all, Warm greetings from your cold winter caretaker! It's about 13 degrees out right now. The overnight high was 39 degrees and the low was 13 degrees. The lodge received 3.45 (!!!) inches of rain yesterday and 1.5 inches of snow. Imagine what havoc that much snow would've wreaked, if only it were a bit colder! Fortunately for the crew, they will have a much more manageable hike off the mountain this morning. The snow is fresh and provides decent traction, but I am sure there are icy spots lurking beneath. I would definitely recommend some sort of traction devices, preferrably Microspikes. _The gentle white of the new snow is giving off a fine, ambient glow in the dining room. I am writing this entry while watching the crew make all the preparations to close up for the winter: cleaning up from breakfast, folding blankets, wiping down floors, collecting kerosene lamps, moving rocking chairs... It's all over. As of this posting, 441 is still closed. The water rushing down Rainbow yesterday afternoon was serious enough to turn away a few overnight guests, so please be careful.
As you may have heard, the Lodge is CLOSED for the winter. There are no day hiker services available. No coffee, no hot chocolate, no warming up next to the fire, no overnight stays... just about all you can do is admire the beauty the winter months brings and relish in the joys of your self-sufficiency. Much thanks to my friend Barbara Allen for giving me a ride to the trailhead yesterday. I am thrilled to start this winter season with a bit of snow! I am hopeful that this is a good omen for a brutal winter season.
11/27/2013 01:50:40 am
Glad you made it up yesterday. I hope to see you soon man. Stay warm and dry on our mountain.
dan waits
11/27/2013 01:56:32 am
welcome, welcome, welcome!!! Glad you're there in one piece! Looking forward to your daily posts ;-)
11/27/2013 01:56:36 am
Welcome back, JP!
Cindy C
11/27/2013 01:58:38 am
Glad you're back!!
11/27/2013 02:01:01 am
yay! you are back, keep up with you every winter.........stay warm!
11/27/2013 02:02:39 am
Welcome Back JP!!!! Looking forward to your post this winter! I hope this winter brings you what you want!!!
11/27/2013 02:16:14 am
Welcome back JP. My winter is so much better with you in it. Love reading the info every day and always love your way with words and sharing your soulful thoughts!! 11/27/2013 02:16:20 am
so glad your back jp, can't wait to read all of your blogs all winter long, stay safe and warm, it's going to be a rough one.
Pat N.
11/27/2013 02:18:22 am
Welcome back, JP! Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for your continued mountain care!
11/27/2013 02:22:19 am
Yay!!! Welcome back JP!!!! I look forward to reading your posts this winter season. Happy Thanksgiving!
GSMNP_Hiker ( Matt )
11/27/2013 02:24:05 am
Welcome back JP so glad that you're back young man . I remember last year when I was up day hiking you was sledding down those steps ! I hope you had a great summer . Hope you have a nice winter with plenty of snow .
11/27/2013 02:27:52 am
I cant believe another season is over. I made it up in March during the snow but life got in the way the rest of the season. Thanks for keeping us posted on your life up there. But here is the question. Is it okay to stop and say hey if we're up there and you're out or do you prefer your solitude?
Kathy F
11/27/2013 02:28:48 am
Glad to see your back for the winter JP!
11/27/2013 02:37:30 am
While I'm at it, I bought some Yaktrax at the lodge to make it down last year, just the $20 springy kind. I wanted to get something a little heavier duty. Any recommendations?
Steve D
11/27/2013 03:15:19 am
SafetyBob-I recommend Kahtoola microspikes for the winter ice/snow, as JP recommeded them to me last winter and I hiked all winter long with them, and they were great. They were $60 at Nantahala Outdoor Center and worth every penny.
11/27/2013 03:56:32 am
Thanks Steve, that's about what I was looking to spend.
Rick Shepherd
11/27/2013 03:06:49 am
Welcome to JP!.....First day back on the job as winter caretaker, huh?.....We are looking forward to your pics and descrips as winter enfolds.....Happy Thanksgiving.....Thanks JP!..... :-)
11/27/2013 03:17:09 am
Glad you are back. E. Tennessee is better when you are here. I told you that you have a great fan club. Again so sorry to keep you waiting but now I am a little smarter. :) So many people look forward to your writing. You bring joy to all of us. Hope to see you soon. Happy Thanksgiving!!
11/27/2013 03:19:09 am
Welcome back, JP!
Paul B
11/27/2013 03:20:56 am
Welcome back JP, always a pleasure to read your daily reports. I found this article on line comparing the yaktrax and microspikes. I have the yaxtrax (with the additional strap over your foot) and around here in the relatively flat Southwest Ohio they do just fine. If I were heading up LeConte or similar terrain with icey conditions I would probably invest in the JP approved Kahtoola Microspikes.
11/27/2013 03:23:41 am
Welcome back JP! As always, I look forward to your intriguing daily posts and breathtaking photos. Happy Thanksgiving, stay safe and warm up there! Yes, welcome back JP. I'm sure that for you it's good to be back at a familar location with its inherent duties; What this coming winter season holds for you remains to be seen of course, and I suspect that there might be somewhat more snowfall up on Mt. Leconte. I long to plan a couple of winter hikes up, but the bad knee will keep me valley-bound this season, but only until February. Afterwards will be a different story. I hope that you are well-supplied up there. It's amusing how many comments are made where some folks don't actually realize that the lodge is truly closed now and until mid-March. Such as it is. Of curiosity I was wondering if you are a chess player; I play completely on the internet as in this community there is not a single chess club; If you play, and would like a game via email let me know. I've been re-reading my Ralph Waldo Emerson books and came across a suitable quote by him which fits the present time and conditions: "I lease myself with the graces of the winter scenery, and believe that we are as much touched by it as by the genial influences of summer." So true I believe. So, have a good day and holiday up there. And as I usually say: "No importa a donde vaya, eso es lo que hay" G'day
11/27/2013 03:58:56 am
Welcome back JP! Looking forward to your winter adventures on the mountain.
11/27/2013 04:00:23 am
Welcome back JP! Looking forward to your daily posts! Happy Thanksgiving :-) Take care!
Bill Yeadon
11/27/2013 04:15:46 am
Welcome back. Hopefully, when you have time, you can update us as to your adventures since last march.
Tony Ga
11/27/2013 04:37:24 am
Welcome back JP.
Chuck K
11/27/2013 04:37:53 am
Welcome back JP….have a great winter and very much look forward to your insights on the mountain….my wife and I hiked up there this year for a day trip and the trip down was nothing but rain…but we can say we did it now….have a great winter….
11/27/2013 05:06:02 am
You have me thinking of "The Shining"
11/27/2013 07:52:22 am
Hehe Dianne, I noticed the Lloyd reference too... ; )
Mary F
11/27/2013 05:32:38 am
Welcome back JP, welcome back!! So looking forward to reading your amazing posts this winter! Happy Thanksgiving!
11/27/2013 08:20:43 am
you are such a celebrity.
11/27/2013 12:15:22 pm
Mary, Ohio
11/27/2013 08:59:35 am
Welcome back JP! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving on the mountain. So looking forward to your daily blogs and musings. Enjoy the snow and our mountain!
11/27/2013 09:49:05 am
I have to say JP, I've definately missed reading your blogs. You always put so much more effort in describing the scenery and going on's.
11/27/2013 10:32:26 am
Glad you're back, JP! Looks like we may have the kind of winter you prefer this year--snowy & cold! I'm looking forward to reading your daily observations of life on the mountain & life in general. Have a wonderful time!! :)
Mary F
11/27/2013 11:34:18 am
I sure hope the reported broken leg being brought down Alum Cave Trail today is not one of the crew :-(. WATE news out of Knoxsville was reporting on the hiker being extracted.
11/27/2013 11:50:00 am
To the 2013 crew. Thanks for a great season even if I didn't get to hike up this year. I love the blogs and pics. Can't wait to see what JP has for us this winter. Safe travels to all who may be traveling and awaiting the spring for another great year. Hoping to hike it next year again.
11/27/2013 02:27:21 pm
Welcome, welcome J.P. I can't believe how fortunate we are to have you back for a third go round. We could get used to this....think we already are. I hope this winter gives you all the experiences you are hoping for. I am ready to be delighted with your tales, your thoughts , your musings. Happy Thanksgiving!
Jim Kirkham
11/28/2013 05:38:38 am
Love me some JP!
11/29/2013 06:49:00 am
I love you Jim!!
11/28/2013 12:48:47 pm
Thank you for coming back, my winter days will be much brighter with your posts :) Comments are closed.
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