Morning y'all,
It's yet another blustery day up top. The high yesterday reached 47 degrees. The low was 43 degrees. It was 45 degrees and raining lightly at 7am observation. The mountain received 1.62" of rain, most of it coming overnight. The weather is supposed to stay the same for most of the day, with some cold temperatures coming this evening. Hopefully, this will turn this cold rain into snow! The gentle outline of trees out my loft window swayed restlessly as darkness descended last evening, eternal unquietness. They had an entrancing. hypnotic quality to them. I had my cabin sanctuary in the midst of primordial fury. The trees are reslilient, enduring in ways we are not.
12/9/2013 01:12:50 am
The winds have been howling here in the valley this morning JP. hope you had a great weekend. Thanks for keeping us up with the Mtn. weather.
dan waits
12/9/2013 01:13:10 am
I SO enjoy your blogs from winter LeConte It give us who love LeConte a 4 seasons perspective of the mountain.
jean d
12/9/2013 01:32:52 am
JP, you are really a poet. Your beautiful descriptions of your thoughts, experiences, and observations bring them right into view for those of us who follow "High on LeConte"
jean d
12/9/2013 04:10:47 am
OK so all the words above may not be yours but the ones you do "pen" are descriptive and clear and make "our favorite mountain" come alive and up to date. The words you copy are appropriate and lovely. so, I still say thanks! and as someone said a few days ago, "If you have not written a book" -- you should.
jean d
12/9/2013 04:15:36 am
"Nother" comment------ as I think on my comments above, I realize I can really not tell which words are yours and which are from your journal or the work you are currently reading.
The Real JP
12/10/2013 12:31:44 am
Jon of the Woods
12/9/2013 01:43:08 am
Any idea of when the Shelter will be open again??
12/9/2013 01:44:13 am
Enjoyed your unique portrayal of your sanctuary. As I scurry around my ICU environment today it is a nice reminder of the importance to allow yourself time to just be still. 😊
12/9/2013 01:48:52 am
have a great day up top JP wish i could do a day hike up im camping now on hiwassee river for a few more days! rain here now! So enjoy your blog everyday i reuse alot of your comments hope you dont mind!
12/9/2013 03:09:32 am
--well-written and beautifully poetic!
12/9/2013 03:32:43 am
Top of the morning to everyone. Just recently discovered this site and have been reading some of the comments posted. Nice, and the photos are nice as well. I was wondering, JP , if you relish all the adoration and ooohing and aaahing people give you !? My head would swell with it. I must call your office and request a brochure for next season as that lodge appears to be a good place to visit.
The Real JP
12/10/2013 12:33:42 am
12/10/2013 04:35:11 am
You should bask in your celebrity. It's just that personally such accolades would weigh me down a little. I've enjoyed reading many of the posts here since I discovered the site; there are several quite knowledgeable people who share their experiences; I like "Debi"'s remarks, Tony's, and others; there's one fellow whose name I cannot recall who has had years of experiences with hiking and such endeavors, but I cannot right now recall his name; Yes, I intend to visit the lodge as soon as I can arrange to acquire a reservation; I'm told it is truly a magical place as you state.
Tim G
12/9/2013 06:30:09 am
Hi, JP I don't comment very much on this site but I do enjoy reading your post each day! I have found myself searching for Mt LeConte when over near Newport. One of my favorite verses in The Bible is in The book of Psalms , chapter 121:1 and it says " I will lift up my eyes unto the Mountains"..... (NIV) and verse 2 explains why . My Grandmother was born in Yancey county in Burnsville, NC at the foot of Mt Mitchel and I guess its in my blood to be near them. They are calling for a little snow or ice here in the valley tomorrow hope you see a lot of it from your advantage!!
12/9/2013 08:12:43 am
Oh, JP I sure do wish I could send you some Michigan snow. Mine melted last week, but it came back last night and is a whomping 21 degrees here. I will gladly trade you some warm weather for some snow. lol
12/9/2013 08:46:58 am
I found this to day.. LeConte in 1920 to 1950..
Tony Ga
12/9/2013 09:20:42 am
Jay, that was cool. Thanks!
12/9/2013 10:54:16 am
Why is it warm up there and sooooooo cold down here in Springfield IL.
12/9/2013 11:18:00 am
I love you MAANNN! ;0)
12/9/2013 01:18:30 pm
Beautifully written words. My question that dwells in my brain sometimes is this, does it ever get scary up there at any time? I realize you have the ability to contact the park service anytime that you need to and you probably have a way if necessary to protect yourself, but again does it get spooky at times, especially at night?
The Real JP
12/10/2013 12:30:12 am
Sherleen Cardwell
12/10/2013 01:49:53 pm
Still enjoying your comments JP.Others comments are intersting too and love pictures.Keep up the good work.Make noise when you go out when it is foggy......bear will run away. :-) 12/17/2013 07:52:24 am
JP you actually are a gifted writer.. every week or so I click thru to HighonLeconte (my browser knows the way). and I am impressed with your ability to weave the facts (yes - microspikes) with some other interesting story or quote... your posts are very much is worth reading.. We were there in april 2012 (2 nights). it really is a magical place. I have to go back Comments are closed.
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