It is just a flake or two, but it is enough to count as the first snow for the fall. The high yesterday was 53º with a low of 30º and the temperature is dropping. There are snow clouds on the horizon and I am sure we are in for a little more of the white stuff before the day is over. Fall is behind us and old man winter has crossed the threshold. Time to get out the snow boots.
10/23/2013 02:21:46 am
Yippppeee best gift I could get on my birthday! First Snow!
10/23/2013 02:30:29 am
Missed it by a day!
greg d.
10/23/2013 02:30:51 am
ALLYSON, thought i let you know cheryl and i are now grandparents.
10/23/2013 03:52:20 am
Whoa! So which Crew Member guessed the First Snow date?
10/23/2013 04:00:40 am
Nothing more beautiful than seeing snow on the mountain.
10/23/2013 04:58:55 am
Ok, we've seen the snow, it can stop now.
Brian N bama
10/23/2013 06:31:26 am
Debi, hold your horses, you know I need to get my snow fix at 6593 ft in elevation. I don't get much here in alabama. I fully believe that Allyson will have me a good 12-20 inches on the ground by the end of November when we trek up to for the night. LOL
Tracy G
10/23/2013 09:24:26 am
In MS this would cause people to rush to the store for milk and bread. Sure wish I was there on that beautiful mountain again. Brian N bama, I hope you get your snow when you go! Would love to see some myself. :)
Tony Ga
10/23/2013 09:52:30 am
Rush on bread and milk happens here in Ga too. I think the bread and milk makers bribe the weatherman to predict snow so they can have a big payday.
10/23/2013 01:15:03 pm
Yep, the bread and milk happens in KY as well...all they have to do is mention snow and the shelves are cleared!! Planning on dayhiking to LeConte one day next week...can't wait, haven't made it up yet this year.
10/23/2013 10:13:35 am
Wife and I vacationing in Daytona Beach Fla at Casa Del Mar resort watching ocean waves. Cool front today high 90 yesterday, 80 degree high today. Looking forward getting back to Mt Leconte, though.
10/23/2013 01:00:29 pm
Just as the sun was slipping below the horizon this evening I looked in the distance at the summit of LeConte. For just a moment I was there at the lodge sitting in a rocker on the lodge porch we love so much, the cold air making visible my every breath when I exhaled, the sound of silence all around me. But when I heard the sound of the firewood crackling in the fireplace I was reminded I was actually sitting next to the fireplace in my outdoor 'mancave' (porch) a few short miles away instead. No matter it's still a wonderful evening in the mountains. Thanks for maintaining this blog and providing insights to life on the beautiful mountain.
10/23/2013 01:20:19 pm
Ohhh, the weather outside is frighting...
tomk in SC
10/23/2013 02:03:27 pm
No worries, Kent, you were pitch perfect from here. It's not like this is radio!
jean d
10/23/2013 01:31:42 pm
Though we had sun off and on nearly all day here in the valley it looked like clouds resting on the mountains most of the day. The temp high on my screened in back porch was 51 and is 43 deg right now. I may build a fire in my indoor fireplace tomorrow. It seems winter has finally arrived (boo hiss) after so many wonderful days of warm fall weather. I much prefer warm weather and being able to enjoy the out of doors without so many clothes on. ie; prefer short sleeved shirts etc and being able to have happy hr on the porch. Comments are closed.
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