What a fabulous day to be on the mountain. The temperature was perfect, with no humidity, and the sky was that perfect cerulean blue. I made my way out to Myrtle Point to get my dose of vitamin D. It was interesting to witness the thick layer of cloud coverage to the east of the lookout. As you can see in this photo, the clouds just stopped. They were like this for the hour I was out there. It was almost as if there was a wall and the clouds would roll back onto themselves. Luckily, Myrtle Point remained under the warm sun. The high yesterday was a perfect 67º. It did get cold enough for the heater last night. The low was 42º. That is pretty chilly for July. All in all, it was a perfect day on the mountain. I had almost forgotten what those days looked like. It was nice to be reminded.
7/30/2013 12:32:09 am
Wish I was there this morning. Driving into work and the pink clouds in the sky at 6:45am this morning I thought I would love to be on myrtle right now.
7/30/2013 01:48:37 am
Our hot heat has been gone for over a good week now and its been cold and rainy here in MI. I am so ready for some warm weather again. The picture looks beautiful and a great spot to take a nap on a warm sunny rock.
Glenn Oh
7/30/2013 02:06:24 am
Hi everyone, first post in awhile, heading to the Smokies this weekend taking my grandkids to Walker Sisters so they can see what life was like a hundred years ago, its my grand daughter's first hike, she's just started walking but I've made her a pint size walking stick (complete with girly knob on top) so my three grandsons who I've made sticks for don't have one up on her, by the way Allyson great picture!!!
Mary F
7/30/2013 02:14:26 am
An absolutely gorgeous day in the foothills of WNC yesterday, with today promising the same. Hope you receive the same forecast, glad to see you're able to get out and soak up some sun. Love the pictures, as always! Happy Birthday Nathan!
7/30/2013 02:22:16 am
Morning to all up top, Allyson you always find a way to make me Jealous of your job, shame shame. Debi, you can kill two birds with one stone. If your looking for some warm weather I've got just the spot and bring your fishing pole. Here at the mouth of the Mississippi River its 89 degrees and the humidity is 88% at 8am and the finest fishing you will ever do. Talking about birds, Steve D. I thought you went MIA, but as a crow flies it's only 4,500 miles from your new home to the mountain you love. Mauna kea Observatories is a nice place to visit and a elv. of 13,779 feet if you get a chance. Con grats on the new job and remember your only a click away from some old friends.
Steve D
7/30/2013 03:57:04 am
Hey Ryan--La
doug y
7/30/2013 04:43:36 am
What could I possibly write that would add to the comments on your photos that are posted each day !? All I can say is that they are certainly appreciated, welcome, and beautiful ! It's a daily routine that I never tire of, never get weary of looking at what you see and record through your eyes. There's not a single day that goes by that I don't wish I was up there, or at least somewhere within that marvelous Park ! When I do get down there for some day hiking and tent camping, I miss out on coming to this site and the first thing I always do upon returning to KY is catch up on the latest blog postings and comments. I look forward to all the "regulars" and their particular perspectives. Glenn Oh mentioned walking sticks. I have about seven or eight of them just hanging on a wall out in my "man cave"; Each is an old tobacco stick {I "borrowed" them from my grandfather's old tabacco barn in Virginia !!} I gathered those with knots and knarls for they make the most interesting staffs. I sand each one down to a smooth surface, then varnish them with one to three coats, followed with two or three coats of a clear polyurethane finish. Each has a hand strap through a hole near its top using some small rappelling rope which adds some character and color to the staffs. I have one favorite which I still sometimes use {I broke one in half during one of my thru-the-Park A.T. hikes when a bear and her cub surprised me at the Spence Field shelter and I scared her away}. I believe that I want to give the others away and one of these days I'm going to park my rear end at one of the Trailheads to the lodge and wait for some of you folks to come by so I can give you one of my old hiking staffs - - I certainly don't need them all. Ok. I hope everyone is having a good week. time to go and peer over my trail maps and plan out another day hike or two or three !! Remember; "No matter where you go, there you are !" G'day.
Glenn OH
7/30/2013 06:23:29 am
doug y I suppose I've made 15 to 20 sticks, my grand daughter Lilly's the smallest I've made 28 inches long but maybe her and my grandsons will go to Leconte with me some day, the AT from Newfound Gap to Cosby sounds great for October!!!
doug y
7/30/2013 01:30:37 pm
Yes, that'd be a good hike; I've been on all those trails, but have never gone along them in that direction endng at Cosby. A few times I've begun at Davenport Gap and ended at Cosby, but I'll have to go look to recall the mileage for that one.......ironically, I have a piece from that one tobacco hiking staff I broke trying to intimidate that bear and I believe it's about 28 in long - - still has the strap in it; don't know what happened to the bottom end that broke off because I recall that I was backing off as rapidly as I could away from that mean 'ol momma bear !! When I was tent camping at Elkmont a couple of weeks ago I noticed in their office that although Cades Cove and Elkmont both were fully booked, up at the Cosby campground there were plenty of vacant spots to be had. I think that for next year I may concentrate more of my day hikes in that area. Good evening.
Tony Ga
7/30/2013 01:51:23 pm
Ever hiked Cosby campground to Mount Cammerer Fire Tower? That's our favorite hike in the fall. Will be doing it this fall again.
7/30/2013 05:57:37 am
Speaking of Myrtle Point, I was wondering how far it is out to that overlook from the lodge. In September, I'm planning to hike up Trillium then down Bullhead. Of course, I realize I have to hike that extra 2.3 miles between the trail heads, which makes it almost a 16-mile hike without trekking out to Myrtle Point.
Paul B
7/30/2013 06:11:10 am
Kent, I believe the sign marks it at .7 or .8 miles. Well worth the additional jaunt out on a clear day and as Allyson's photos shows, you just never know how clear it will be until you get there. Anyone that is staying at the lodge or shelter I highly recommend waking up a little early and getting out there 20-30 minutes before the sunrises to be still and enjoy. Absolutely beautiful.
7/30/2013 06:29:35 am
That's not too far. Thanks for the info, Paul. : )
Mary, Ohio
7/30/2013 11:41:52 am
My family and I have been in theNorth Carolina mountains for the last few days. We hiked Winding Stair Gap to Siler Bald on the AT. What a magnificent 360 degree view from the top! We are 30 minutes from home andI already miss the mountains. Those of you close enough, take advantage of the gift you have available for those of us that are not close by. Happy Hiking!
Glenn TN
7/30/2013 03:37:03 pm
Still wondering why Allyson's name has been taken off of her photos and replaced with ' Leconte Lodge '. If anyone has a clue why this is, I would appreciate a response . Comments are closed.
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