High 39, Low 15. 1" Snow.
Well, my plan was to go down to the jumpoff today, We'll see how the trails look, they were just rivers with a bunch of snow caked on top yesterday, not very much fun to hike in. Hopefully some sunny days here until Wed. when i'll be hiking down in the rain or surprise snow. Thanks for the tip Clair
3/7/2011 12:21:51 am
Been nice spending my winter with you. Thanks.
3/7/2011 01:17:24 am
We are gonna give it a go today Alex. Hope to see you up top...wish us luck!
3/7/2011 01:26:26 am
Thank you for all the wonderful pictures and for keeping the Smokies alive for us all winter. I hope you can check in on the site once in a while and let us know how and where you are this summer. Good luck on your hike and stay safe Alex. You will be missed. Thanks again!
Wild Bill Jones
3/7/2011 02:32:04 am
Making my first trip to the Smokies in a few weeks for a backpaking trip. I know that you can now carry concealed handguns in the park and I'm thinking of bringing my .44 magnum. I know hunting is illegal but thought I might need it for scaring bears, pigs or coyotes away. I'm also concerned about two-legged varmints. Here in KY we don't dare go into the Dan Boone Natl Forest without personal protection. You never know when you're gonna stumble into some druggie's pot patch. How safe are the Smokies and does anybody carry a heater? Thanks.
3/7/2011 03:33:45 am
Love the picture of the chair and the contrast of the snowy wall and dark wood wall. The top picture is great, too. Its somehow cold and stark, yet friendly and inviting at the same time.
3/7/2011 03:34:44 am
Alexander Hughes,---thanks for all the memories and all the beautiful photos. Wishing you a safe and exciting life. Keep in touch with your fans.
Wild Bill Jones
3/7/2011 03:53:23 am
Sandee, Being scared is a good thing. Fear is a postitive emotion. You can channel your fear to make your senses more accute to your surroundings and bring out the best from within yourself. Believe me, I know. I'm a retired DI with 30 years of service and I've dodged lead on three continents. Fear is one reason I'm still alive and kicking.
3/7/2011 04:12:28 am
@Wild Bill Jones - I can tell you we've gone hiking in the Smokies one week a year for the past 4 years and have never felt in danger from people that surrounded us (we did run in to a sketchy character in Nantahala Nat'l Forest once). We have survival knives but not really for defense against other people. Though they've played enough of those crazies stories on TLC that the thought of not having a gun has definitely crossed my mind once or twice. Never want to be the one bringing a knife to a gunshow. =/
Wild Bill Jones
3/7/2011 04:24:19 am
Darned right Devin! Most folks I encounter in the woods don't look like they're armed with anything more than a hacky sack. But what about that psycho that killed that young girl in north GA and is also suspected of killing that elderly couple from Asheville? Or what about Eric Rudolf? It's a crazy world and gettin crazier. Lookin down the business end of the old persuader might just make these mamby-pambies reconsider their motives.
3/7/2011 04:40:38 am
Wild bill... There is no need for you to carry a loaded weapon in the Great Smoky Mountains. I respect your constituational rights, but the necessity for guns just does not exist. You risk hurting someone, maybe within your own party. Please NO GUNS!
John T
3/7/2011 04:51:51 am
I carry a S&W sub-compact 380. Small, light weight and plenty for protection. The 44 mag might be overkill.
3/7/2011 05:00:31 am
Glock 19
3/7/2011 05:20:41 am
You can carry in the park, but you can not carry into a Federal Building. That includes the buildings at the top of Leconte, which is posted at the door. DB 380
3/7/2011 05:22:26 am
Alex, Thank you so much for all of the beautiful pictures and your daily comments about our beautiful Smokies.What an Awesome God to have created such beauty. I wish you continued adventure, good health, safety and good times. Enjoy each moment. Stay in touch with us if you can. I will keep you in my prayers.
3/7/2011 05:22:42 am
Statistically speaking, you are about 400 times more likely to be the victim of a violent crime within the norm of society than you are within a national park. I agree there is no need for armed park visitors. I would be alarmed to see someone with a gun.
3/7/2011 05:24:42 am
@Wild Bill, thank you for your service. Usually one or more persons in my hiking party are armed. In over 20 years of adventures we have never needed them. But you never know about the next trip.
Wild Bill Jones
3/7/2011 05:28:49 am
Thanks for the heads up Tony. And Jennifer, my aim is to never be the victim anywhere, ever. And don't worry about becoming alarmed by seeing my piece, it's concealed. There's only one person who will ever know I'm packing... and he will only know it for about 2 seconds.
3/7/2011 06:00:25 am
Oh I have a gun, but I never thought I might need it for my trip to Mount LeConte. My second husband bought me a 38 special when we lived in New Jersey. And I was a pretty good shot back then too. I have not seen that gun years. I don't even remember where I hid it.
3/7/2011 06:02:09 am
I hope "to carry" or "not to carry" doesn't turn into a big debate here. He is within his legal rights to carry. He (and I) have served in the military to protect those rights. Just because you don't carry don't expect everyone else to not carry, and for us who carry don't expect everyone else to carry.
3/7/2011 06:03:20 am
Have so enjoyed your posts this winter!
3/7/2011 06:27:57 am
Dudes. Guns ruin the fun for everyone.
3/7/2011 06:29:30 am
3/7/2011 07:19:25 am
Alex...before you take off, I wanted to say thanks for pictures and updates. It was a joy coming in everyday or so and reading the posts. Be safe hiking here and across europe.
3/7/2011 07:23:07 am
3/7/2011 07:33:28 am
Oh Juanita we have read about your crazy stunts!! Please NO GUN in the Smokies for you!! Just come and enjoy the beauty of the mountains.
3/7/2011 07:54:56 am
I have to agree with Pam...no guns for you Juanita.
3/7/2011 07:59:47 am
LOL Pam! Don't worry about me bringing my gun to LeConte. I'm mostly worried about my hip and knees. As I said earlier, I don't even know where I hid that gun twenty years ago. But, it would be fun to go out and, as my grandson says, bust a few caps. HAHA!
3/7/2011 08:54:57 am
3/7/2011 09:43:43 am
At the risk of repeating myself, GREAT photos Alex, did we tell you how much you will be missed??
Wild Bill Jones
3/7/2011 09:51:15 am
3/7/2011 11:17:33 am
Alex, I have loved your photos and images of the mountains through your eyes. As a summer visitor to LeConte it was wonderful to see it from a winter's perspective. Wishing you safe travels on all your future journeys. Also a shout out to the Juanita and Wild Bill show...have to admit I'm enjoying your posts as much as Alex's;-)
3/7/2011 11:29:10 am
Wild Bill Jones, I like your style. What branch of the military are you retired from?
3/7/2011 12:18:57 pm
Good luck this summer Alex. Your life has been the envy of many people this winter, myself included. I have really enjoyed your pictures and upkeep of the blog this winter, even through all of the controversial issues ;). Thanks again and try to keep in touch, even if it is through Allison.
3/7/2011 12:53:36 pm
I was contemplating whether to carry my firearm or carry bear spray for my upcoming hike. I opted for bear spray. I believe it would be far more effective, as I would only ever dare fire my weapon as an absolute last resort. The spray can be used to diffuse a tense situation with much better results for everyone/thing. 3/7/2011 01:52:30 pm
Hey Alex,
Renee Ryan
3/7/2011 02:43:08 pm
Hello,Alex! I just wanted to thank you so much for letting us all get a small glimpse of what it's like to live on the top of a mountain in the winter time.It has been such a pleasure visiting this site every day and I always look forward to your beautiful photos.Keep in touch and let us know how your doing.Enjoy your travels this summer! As to the whole firearms debate,let's all agree to disagree on that one,if you do that kind of thing please be careful.I have never felt unsafe when I've been in the Smokies.Thanks again Alex!!!!!
3/8/2011 12:24:20 am
Alex! Thank you for all the pictures, info and insight through the winter. I really appreciate it. I am hooked on "High on Leconte". I am planning a few trips to Leconte this year...Thanks
3/8/2011 01:13:31 am
@Wild Bill... NRA here and ex-military, but with the weight issue, close proximity of anything of danger in the Smokies, I prefer to just carry one or two cans of Counter Assault Bear Spray. It will work on two or four legged critters and is extremely potent. That hog leg .44 has got to get real heavy, no matter how long you've been used to carrying it.
Wild Bill Jones
3/8/2011 04:13:32 am
Thanks Mike. I'm an NRA lifer myself and I appreciate your advise. The only problem with bear spray is after I hit a perp with it, then I have to go to the trouble of choking him out. I'd just as soon let my partners, Mr Smith and Mr Wesson, take care of that chore. The weight of assurance is worth every ounce.
Dana P
3/8/2011 09:54:40 am
Bill, Comments are closed.
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