The snow is almost gone! It's another lovely day up top with a cloudless sky and temperatures steadily rising. Currently we are in the mid 40's. Yesterday's low was 32 and the high reached 49. There is still possible ice on the trails, so be careful, but for the most part they should be pretty well thawed out. It is rather windy today though, so don't forget the hat and gloves!
I have really enjoyed reading the blog comments lately and I wanted to thank you all for the kind, positive things that have been posted recently! We can really feel the good vibes being sent our way and the crew (and myself of course!) are eager to return the favor! Everyone have a wonderful day and happy hiking!
4/1/2015 04:33:26 am
Liams, sun, and predawn rockers; all looking GOOD! Wishing I could be there! Have a great day.
4/1/2015 04:53:05 am
Ruthie you and your crew should have all kind and positive things said
4/1/2015 05:06:46 am
It is wonderful to see the tradition of saying rabbit, rabbit on the first day of the month is continuing. I first learned of this saying from the lodge's previous owner, Herrick Brown.
4/1/2015 07:00:44 am
Woody, thanks for the explanation about the tradition. That was one that I hadn't heard of before, but it makes perfect sense to me!
4/1/2015 10:44:44 am
I have never heard that rabbit saying, Fun , interesting. Thanks for sharing. First day of each month or just April 1 ?
4/1/2015 05:53:59 am
Rabbit, rabbit indeed, Trixie Belden!
4/1/2015 06:04:09 am
Trixie Belden--haven't seen that name in a long time! Loved those books when I was a child! :)
Bill Yeadon
4/1/2015 05:58:16 am
White Rabbit....thought that was Jefferson Airplane. Looking forward to heading up a week from Saturday.
Kat Groeninger
4/1/2015 07:01:27 am
How are the conditions on Alum Cave Trail? Especially on the narrows. Any ice?
IU Steve
4/1/2015 09:34:06 am
Was a little ice yesterday but probably gone by now
4/1/2015 09:40:24 am
Crap, did anybody else see this on the GSMA FB page?
4/2/2015 04:31:24 am
James, Good one, thanks for my smile of the day!
4/1/2015 10:27:40 am
James, is this an April Fool's Day Joke? 4/1/2015 11:12:40 am
Hi there I am getting excited to climb on up next Friday the 10 th with 3 of my friends and stay at the lodge. My first time hiking to the lodge. I will continue to watch the weather but it looks like it is going to be beautiful!!!! Keep me posted on anything you think I might need! Have a beautiful evening and see you soon!!! Nancy
Jean S
4/1/2015 01:53:03 pm
Looks beautiful up there! Please tell Kate a new phone is on the way and the old one's service is suspended. Thanks!
4/1/2015 05:22:30 pm
Always love seeing the llamas' pictures! Was so excited to get to see them up close and to meet Chrissy last July. The only negative was that I met them in the parking lot and not up top! Ruthie, hoping to make it all the way to the top sometime in the summer or next fall. I'll enjoy meeting you and the crew! Since you are reading the comments just want to let you know I love your pics and posts. Comments are closed.
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