Morning everyone,
We had a high of 49 yesterday. It rained most of the afternoon. We had .8 inches of rain yesterday. The overnight low was 43 and it was 46 degrees and overcast this morning at weather observation. We're expecting a 100% chance of afternoon rain, so be ready! I hiked down to Gatlinburg yesterday afternoon. Greg was kind enough to give me a ride to the Kroger in Sevierville. From there, I went to the office to organize all my gear into boxes for the llamas to pack up on Wednesday. It felt like a great luxury to use a cart in a grocery store (breaking my rule to only use a basket), knowing that I wouldn't have to pack up any of the food I bought. I started hiking up Rainbow Falls at 4:45 and got to the Lodge at 7:15sh. The rain relented and it turned into a nice evening. I got the opportunity to relax with the old winter caretaker Henry for the evening. Looking forward to moving into my new digs for the winter this afternoon, Chris' famous turkey gumbo and our final night with guests! Safe hiking!
Paul B
11/22/2011 01:20:31 am
Wow, Rainbow Falls in 2 1/2 hours. Impressive! Beats my 6 hours 2 years ago. Oh to be young and 50 pounds lighter again. Appreciate the insights into how you get ready for your great adventure.
Pat N.
11/22/2011 01:33:25 am
Rain or shine, Happy Last Full Day to the crew. Enjoy the holidays and your time off the mountain. Glad you were able to stock up on food and goodies, JP. Enjoy your 3 month adventure. We will check on you daily by starting our day off with your great blog. Thats a good idea to only use a basket. Smart thinker. All that stuff adds up in the hike. Bitter sweet sorrow for u and the crew. You'll have the mountain to yourself and they will have a well deserved break. About 10 years ago I heard about Mt.Leconte Lodge but never knew how to get there. Once I found out I can't get enough of it. Only once a year trip, but my part of heaven. Really enjoy your post and got to meet Chris and Alyson last summer. Looking forward to the beauty your will bring to us. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy!!!
Mary Anne Sheffield
11/22/2011 08:10:10 am
Looking forward to reading all winter of life on top! A job I envy! I have a question. So the llamas are bringing up your supplies, do they continue that for a time or stop until spring?
WOOOAH !! , "..our final night with guests!"
Raz Theo
11/23/2011 02:23:30 am
11/23/2011 04:07:06 am
Wow, impressed with your 2 1/2 hours! I couldn't do that back 40 years ago when I was in my prime and doing a lot of backpacking! What's your hiking experience and where? You surely must have some! Be curious to know. Looking forward to a winter of exciting pics and dialog.
11/26/2011 01:59:05 am
Mary Anne, Comments are closed.
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