This photograph was taken yesterday morning. Today is quite different. It is currently 38 degrees. The ice has melted from the trees and the ground. The wind is whipping over the mountain and it is threatening more rain. We received a about a quarter inch last night. If I had to guess, I would say most of the ice on the trails has melted. There may be some patches. I would bet the trails are fine with out any type of ice cleat. I do not know this as fact because I have not heard a report from anyone as of yet. I am going on experience alone. If you are hiking up today, take your time and stay safe. See you at the top with a hot cup of good ole' Mt. LeConte hot chocolate.
Brian N
4/24/2012 11:45:24 pm
Thanks so much for the update. We will be up shortly.
doug y
4/24/2012 11:51:32 pm
Good morning ! I was wondering just how long these cool temps are going to last; It's made for a different spring at the lodge I'm sure, as it has here in London, KY; I live out in the country, fairly remote, and we have a bear roaming around as I've seen plenty of tracks; Would love to spot it; How about the wildlife around the lodge ? One question: Do the llamas still maintain their Mon-Wed-Fri routine ? Have a great day crew !
4/25/2012 12:15:49 am
What type of camera do you use?
Julie & Mike P
4/25/2012 12:49:34 am
Great news! Thanks for the update. We'll be starting up Alum Cave in a few hours and will see you this afternoon.
Joyce R.
4/25/2012 02:26:48 am
I had the pleasure of experiencing the "winter blast" that hit LeConte Tuesday--hiking up while it was snowing was a new experience for me. It was absolutely beautiful up top--cold but beautiful. Hot chocolate was tastier than ever!! Hope everyone made it down safely yesterday. I was especially concerned for those on Alum Cave Trail. Enjoyed meeting new friends and, as always, the staff were wonderful. Crissy, it was so good to see you again--keep smiling that beautiful smile! Hope you all have a blessed day!
Brian n
4/25/2012 04:23:29 am
About 1 hr up from rainbow falls, the trail has slid off mountain, only about 10 inches wide to pass on. USE CAUTION!!!!!
4/25/2012 01:13:14 pm
@Brian: I steered you to a rockslide? Sorry about that. There are about four slides scattered about the trails to LeConte. A 10" trail is a might trim. I can't wait for a report/pictures. Above the falls, below Rocky Spur? I'm guessing that as you went up the trail, the high side of the trail was to your right and the slide down left. Is that right? Trail was 10" wide for how long? How wide was the slide? Brian, I see your texting works ok on the trail.I found out I was able to text out and recieve text at Alum Cave. I was so excited. I have Verizon. Another beautiful picture Allyson!! You had so many on yesterday I had to change my wall paper twice. But I'm not complaining! Have a great day!!
4/25/2012 01:32:40 pm
Allyson, your pictures are stunning!! You and Chris both certainly have eyes for time, angle and composition. I see books in your future. Keep warm. We're looking forward to coming up this summer. Comments are closed.
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