Hello from the mountain top on a beautiful September day! Please allow me to introduce myself- My name is Ruthie Puckett (long time hiker, first time blogger) and next year i will be taking over for Allyson and Chris as the site manager of the lodge. This has been my dream job since the age of 11 when I first hiked up to stay as a guest with my parents and two sisters. Don't let anyone ever tell you that your childhood dreams wont come true because this is proof positive that they can!
We awoke to a lovely sunrise and a clear morning today. Yesterday's high reached 68 with a low of 50 and currently we are at a comfortable 61...lovely weather for a walk in the woods. Over the past month I have been training with Chris and Allyson on everything from water pumps, to paper work, to the finer points in the art of biscuit making (llamas can be rather picky about the flakiness-to-density ratio...and more importantly, the guests would like them to taste delicious). Although there are certainly things I've found that I enjoy more than others (making breakfast v. cleaning out the incinerator- I'm sure you can probably deduce which would be more fun) the thing I love the most has remained the same from day one. Being able to talk to people and help them enjoy their own beautiful and unique experience on this wonderful mountain- to make them comfortable while leaving behind the comforts of the modern world. I know that so many of you read this blog everyday in order to have a little piece of that experience and excitement everyday from where ever you might be. I'll confess to you, I've never written a daily blog. Some days might be more interesting that other, some days might be brief, some days I might go on so long you'll think you might never reach the end! But that is how life is up here on Leconte - just like the weather, it can vary wildly. But i do hope that I can give you my own perspective of this place that i love so dearly! Until next time, Internet World!
9/7/2014 06:31:04 am
Wow! If this is your first blog we are in for a treat. Great posting.
9/7/2014 06:40:16 am
Welcome Ruthie! I love reading the blog and I do believe you will be great at it. I live vicariously through the Leconte bloggers. Hopefully on day I will make it atop the magical place. Had plans this spring but a broken bone has kept me away.
9/7/2014 06:40:34 am
Can not wait to here more. Just wish I was there. But you did say dreams come true.
9/7/2014 06:47:03 am
Oh, my! What an excellent job. Thank you for giving us all a sparkling glimpse into your wonderful world.
Ronnie Holbert
9/7/2014 06:52:25 am
Good job on the blog. Look forward to reading more.
9/7/2014 06:54:31 am
Great Job Ruthie! I loved reading your first blog post. I wish you all the best and know you will do wonderfully. I hope to meet you next year!
9/7/2014 06:56:55 am
Welcome....look forward to reading it all, long & wordy or just short & sweet!
Tony Ga
9/7/2014 07:01:32 am
Welcome. Looking forward to seeing LeConte through your eyes.
9/7/2014 07:05:29 am
Welcome to the blogging experience Ruthie....Looking forward to reading about your take on LeConte.
9/7/2014 07:12:18 am
Congrats on going after your dreams. I hope the reality is everything you hoped it would be and much more. Looking forward to meeting you in October.
9/7/2014 07:13:15 am
Welcome Ruthie! We will look forward to your daily posts as it keeps us in touch with that special place we all love. Bring it on - you're going to do just fine!
Janice Booth
9/7/2014 07:25:38 am
You will be great! So happy for you!
9/7/2014 07:29:36 am
Welcome Ruthie and congrats on your new job, its an awesome mountain, enjoy your job.....!!!!!
9/7/2014 07:33:12 am
Ruthie, I have been following this blog since its infancy. Many days I just make a brief stop, while other days I have more time to ponder and soak in any information from 6500 feet in the clouds. I know that your "worst" writing day will still be greatly appreciated by us who are only able to make it to LeConte a few times each year. Even if all you have to tell us is the weather (and writer's block has completely engulfed your brain), we'll still be happy to read about it.
9/7/2014 07:35:50 am
Tues night was my 1st night at the lodge & WHAT A TREAT!! It was great meeting you Ruthie & all the staff!! Congrats on your new position!! And for all the warm hospitality shown to us on my 1st visit--won't be my last!!
Delores Maness
9/7/2014 07:38:00 am
Welcome Ruthie to the world of Mt. Leconte. I can tell you love it as i do. I Believe we are in for a real treat with you at the helm. Thank you for giving yourself to service of the mountain. Please know that i will pray for you daily the rest of the season so your experience will be the best it can be and that GOD will be Glorified.
Allyson Finck
9/7/2014 08:02:33 am
Welcome Ruthie! I love reading the blog each and everyday, whether short our long. Congratulations on making your dreams come true!
Deborah Pottkotter
9/7/2014 08:06:40 am
Ruthie Ruthie Ruthie welcome to the blogging world. We were up there a very few weeks ago.Stayed two nights and I am the one that wants to work up there. So happy to see you are posting...
tomk in SC
9/7/2014 08:37:30 am
No, I am THE one who wants to work up there!
9/10/2014 03:38:51 pm
for real we are not...
Debbie Green
9/7/2014 08:13:35 am
Welcome and love your blog! Hubby and I are hiking up there in a few weeks and can't wait!!
9/7/2014 08:21:13 am
Ruthie, we are really in for a TREAT every day < be it long or short > let it flow. Liked your family picture(1998)[ 7/21/2014], glad your dream came true! Look forword to your next ones (blogs). BARRIE, i think i read about the peacock once on this site, not sure. Don't remember about the trash burning and bear.
9/7/2014 08:35:28 am
Beautifully done, Ruthie! Long or short, I am another one that will look forward to your artistry with words.
Larry O
9/7/2014 09:00:20 am
Great post Ruthie, I'm looking forward to next year, even if you do make me cry.
Carolyn B.
9/7/2014 09:01:22 am
Good out of the gate, Ruthie. Le Conte will surely benefit from your watchful eye, capable hands, smarts, and charismatic persona.
Claudette Shelton
9/7/2014 09:34:22 am
Congrats on landing your dream job! Enjoyed your first post.
9/7/2014 09:37:51 am
All the High on LeConte bloggers have unique and distinctive voices, but share one common denominator: their ability to express a passion and enthusiasm for the natural treasures that abound in the environment they inhabit.
JT mobile ala
9/7/2014 09:48:36 am
Congratulations Ruthie , I vote to give you a raise !!! Great post !! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and visions about Mt Leconte thanks Sometimes I seem to play the role of cranky contrarian, but it's only because Mt. LeConte is the place I love best in the world. Welcome to the blog, Ruthie! I enjoyed your first post immensely and look forward to to all the other things you have to say. Thank you!
9/7/2014 10:28:50 am
"Flakiness to density ratio" for the llamas made me laugh out loud! That was very good. Welcome Ruthie!!! I read everyday and enjoy the post and photos very much. Everyone has different things that they find to share, I can't wait to see what you come up with! That mountain will surely bring a bunch to you!!!
Tammy Henderson
9/7/2014 10:52:29 am
Great blog!! I am one of those Everyday readers, I Love the Mountain so much I look forward to reading the blog each day!!!! My husband and I have stayed at the lodge several times ( as often as we can ) each time has been a Wonderful time with Great memories!!! I call LeConte The Closest thing to Heaven on this Earth!!!
9/7/2014 10:52:54 am
AWESOME Ruthie!! 9/7/2014 10:59:48 am
Congratulations Ruthie, on thee job and the first post. You seem like a natural and we are in for a daily treat.
9/7/2014 11:44:33 am
Welcome Ruthie!
Russ & Pam
9/7/2014 11:52:45 am
Great job Ruthie!, we were up for our second stay on Tuesday and it was magnificent, both the services and the weather. Visits have been 8 years apart so hope to make some more sooner!
9/7/2014 12:01:42 pm
Welcome Ruthie! Just up there 2 weeks ago for my first trip I hung out on the porch day llamas arrived. I met so many fine folks: Larry who will work there too, Alan the wrangler, chatted with the UK guys, folks from hometown New Orleans, so many more! What an exhilarating 3 days! Chris, Matt, and rest of staff were super! I too look forward to what you share Ruthie and look forward to meeting you one day at Leconte. welcome! 9/7/2014 12:33:25 pm
Great first blog Ruthie!! Looking forward to seeing you all next month!
9/7/2014 01:03:05 pm
Welcome Ruthie. Are you the same Ruthie that is already there, or do we have a new one? I did chit chat a little bit to the Ruthie that is there when she was running the office in August. Anyway, we welcome you and look forward to your blog. Everyone has to be a newbie sometime. :)
Mary, Ohio
9/7/2014 01:27:32 pm
Welcome Ruthie, you are off to a great start! I too enjoy this blog every day . You are our eyes and ears to the beauty around you. Thanks for taking on the job to bring us all the special moments and circumstances that you encounter every day. Looking forward to it!
9/7/2014 03:40:27 pm
Great job Ruthie...see you on Tuesday!
9/7/2014 10:28:49 pm
Great Job Ruthie I meet you on 8/28/2014 for my first stay at the lodge. We got to chat with you in the office and every time you past your cabin with someone new that you were checking in . It was the a dream come true just to get there from NH I will be back.
9/8/2014 12:05:32 am
Fine job Ruthie !
9/8/2014 01:02:45 am
Really enjoyed your first blog post!!! Looking forward to reading more.
9/9/2014 11:10:37 am
Great post Ruthie! It was so much fun to run into you on the trail today as we were hiking down and to get to meet your Dad also! Hope to see you on the mountain! Best wishes for your dream job! Peter and Debra from Kentucky Comments are closed.
LeConte LodgeWelcome to the official blog of LeConte Lodge. We hope you find the information provided here both helpful and enjoyable. Thank you for visiting the site, and we hope to see you on the mountain! Archives
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