_Good afternoon to all of you. Today I'm continuing the LeConte Lodge crew introductions with Matt Lowell, who is finishing up his first season on the mountain. But first I'll catch you up on our weather. Most of Tuesday's weather was nice, but we did see our first rain showers in a week. We only tallied a trace of rain with a high of 69 and low of 47 Tuesday. Wednesday has been dry thus far, but with more clouds this morning than in recent days.
Now, I'll turn the introduction over to Matt. ---------- Hello all, My name is Matthew Lowell. This is my first season on Mt. LeConte and, so far, I am enjoying myself and grateful for the opportunity. I was born on the Island of Guam and spent my childhood living in various parts of Asia and Africa. As a family, we moved a lot and, because of that, I think adjusting to new places is in my blood. After high school I moved back to the states to get my college degree. I went to school in Jackson, Tenn., home to the Rockabilly Hall of Fame, an overabundance of chain restaurants and an uncanny knack for being hit by tornadoes. While in Jackson I worked my way through college and crammed a four-year degree into four and a half years. I studied public relations and graduated into an abysmal hiring period we now know as ‘the Great Recession.’ After graduation I moved to Nashville for several years. While in Nashville I worked, played music, ate “Nashville Hot Chicken,” and received a free tetanus shot from the city when there was a city-wide flood in 2010. A word to the wise—you never know when you might need to be current on your tetanus. Before working at LeConte I worked for a company that created music for TV commercials. I was first introduced to LeConte in 2009 when a good friend of mine started working as crew here. I came up to visit and, since then, working on LeConte has always been at the back of my mind. During the winter of 2012 I started thinking about LeConte again and decided to apply for a job here. I was ready for a change of scenery, so when general manager Tim Line offered me a job, I quickly accepted. I enjoy life on the mountain. I hardly miss television anymore and aside from the convenience of paying bills online I do not miss having the Internet at my fingertips 24 hours a day. Our days are busy but I still find time to read, write, play my guitar and beat other crew members at Yahtzee…especially Chris. ---------- Thanks to Matt for providing the introduction. Allyson is scheduled to return to the mountain today, so I'll turn High on LeConte updates over to her. Thanks for reading. Happy trails.
doug y
9/11/2013 07:14:40 am
Nice to read about you Matt. It's always interesting to learn about the crew members. When that tornado struck Jackson I was in Nashville [I drove one year for averitt Express] after having decided to stop there rather than on to Jackson that afternoon; Had I been at the service center in Jackson I might not be writing this right now. The photo of you sitting on or by a cliff looks like it could be BELOW the CLiff Tops vantage point ! If it is, then it's certainly not a location where many people go. In my younger days I might have scaled down to it, if it's where you are. G'day
9/12/2013 07:06:29 am
Hey Doug! This is off topic, but I checked out your blog. Looks good so far! Thanks Leigh, but it's a long way off from what I have in mind for it, which is basically rather like this blog where folks can leave their thoughts and comments, a forum basically. What you're seeing on it now will most likley all be changed somewhat. I want to expamd greatly what I have to say about hiking, backpacking, camping and so forth. I feel like such a dummy because I cannot seem to make enough progress in "constructing" it, but I'll stay at it and perservere soon enough. Keep in touch and thanks again.
9/11/2013 07:31:14 am
Just a quick reminder to all to take a moment and remember those we lost on September 11th. Pray for peace in whatever way you find meaningful on this day.
9/11/2013 08:01:24 am
Hi Matt - I look forward to meeting you next month during our stay at the lodge.
Larry O
9/11/2013 09:35:59 am
Missy, which direction from Jackson do you live? I moved to these beautiful mountains a little over two years ago from Covington, TN, a little town about 35 miles North of Memphis.
9/11/2013 10:18:36 am
Hi Larry - I'm in NW TN. 5 minutes from KY. 2.5 hours north of Memphis. You are lucky to be living on the other end. Hope to join you someday.
doug y
9/12/2013 05:16:20 am
Missy: I did do a bit of driving in and around your area, but haven't been there in a while. Whenever I found myself there I enjoyed the scenery and almost always stopped at one restaurant or another in Jackson ! G'day Missy: I just read about exactly where you are; I once spent nearly a week at the old S.A.C. base over in Blytheville, Ark. being tested for the Air Force Academy; drove by the place sometime in early 2008 and I guess that base was closed quite some time ago. G'day.
Tracy G
9/11/2013 08:10:38 am
Thanks for the intro Matt! Enjoyed reading and enjoy the rest of your first season on crew on that beautiful mountain.
9/11/2013 09:36:57 am
9/11/2013 10:43:34 am
I met Matt July 5th when he gave us a wake up knock. Of course we had been up for hours. He so gladly accepted the 4 left over beers my husband had up there and couldn't finish. I knew I liked this guy! Were you born in Guam because of your dad in the service? I have friends who son was born over there because of that.
9/11/2013 11:18:36 am
I remember you from our last visit. You are doing something you will never forget. Every time I go up there I say to myself "I wish I knew about this when I was younger", because it would be such a neat work experience! Oh well, now I have to settle for being an over-nighter.
doug y
9/12/2013 05:21:36 am
Margie: I like your comment about knowing about the lodge when you were younger. I began hiking in the Smokies in 1957 , hiked every trail at least once, probably twice, but not until 2004 did I stay a night or two at the lodge. Great Day in the Morning !! It pains me to think about discovering the lodge back in the 60's or so !! I wonder how many times, by now, I might have been there !! Geez, I even walked by the place four or five times without ever checking it out !! Talk about missed opportunities !!! . . . . . . . . .G'day.
9/12/2013 08:43:27 am
It is a small world. I have lived in Jackson TN all of my life, I graduated from a small college there also. I will be hiking up on my birthday 10/2/13, my 12th trip up beautiful Le Conte. I am so excited to be hiking, especially on my birthday. Can't wait to meet the crew. Yes Yall are so right, chain restaurants everywhere in this town. Still a few local places that are soooooooooooo much better. I plan on moving to beautiful Sevier County in about 2 years. Will leave flat West Tennessee behind so that I can hike several days a week instead of the 2 to 3 times a year we make it to the mountains. Looking forward to our hike and even more forward to our move here.
9/12/2013 11:48:30 am
You are very lucky to be moving to the other side of the state and have access to all the hiking at your leisure.
9/13/2013 04:43:12 am
Hi Missy, I misspelled my name in my earlier message Sorry, I need to slow down when sending message, don't I. I like the Antique Shop on Carriage House Drive, to shop and eat. Also, Outdoor store on Vann Drive. I like Steinmart and Trees and Trend. Another great place to eat is Baker's Rack, downtown. I don't think it is open on the weekend, though. Coyote Blues is very unique and out of the ordinary. It is owned partly by Trey Teague, who played in the NFL and at UT. He was Peyton's roommate. Hope this helps. Enjoy your day in my hometown.
9/12/2013 11:48:39 am
You are very lucky to be moving to the other side of the state and have access to all the hiking at your leisure.
9/12/2013 11:50:04 am
Sorry that comment posted twice - it said there was an error and to try again.
9/13/2013 05:03:20 am
Kaye, I thought you were using a cleaver spelling for the name, Kayce, lol.
9/13/2013 12:58:54 am
Matt, Comments are closed.
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