Morning y'all, It's another gorgeous, cold morning up top. The high up top reached 27 degrees yesterday. The low was 13 degrees. It was 27 degrees and clear at 7am observation. There's only patchy snow left up top, but there's still a good amount of ice on the trails. Be careful if you intend to summit! It looks like we'll have another gorgeous day, with a chance of flurries in the evening. This also means that there is a high chance of a smiling caretaker. Do you ever get that feeling when you're really immersed and giddy with emotion that you're going to remember it for a good, long time? It's a peculiar kind of self-awareness, bouncing down the trail and feeling the sun warm your rosy cheeks, singing silly tunes, and getting the realization that you won't just be enjoying this motion, these colours, these rocks, this crispy air right now, but also when you're drained, feeling claustrophobic, having a dark night of the soul, you can draw upon the sweet succor of memory and drown in the past. It's a gift to be in the business of making memories.
Mike Clark
12/13/2013 01:40:52 am
Doug Y, can't wait for your website to recieve comments.Keep working at it, good Luck!! Thanks Mike. It just so happens that I may get that new laptop I so sorely need as early as this afternoon, With that, and a bit of additional motivation on my part, perhaps I'll get my site up to the plateau I want it to be on, and that will be a site quite similar to the capability of this one. On here I try to always understand, respect, and acknowledge the opinions of others, and I do try to limit my remarks, but as I've said many times, brevity isn't exactly one of my virtues. But I make no excuses for what I write which is simply an opinion, and I make every effort to choose my words carefully to demonstrate my respect for everyone else. I love staying at the lodge, appreciate all its features and appeal and the chance to post here, and I really love to share my years of experience with others, and to help them in any way that I kind manage. I look forward to communicating in additional ways with readers on my own site, as well as continuing to read and post on this one. By the way, I believe it was you who jumped on me a few months ago for my lengthy posts ; I've put that behind me however. G'day
12/13/2013 12:28:51 am
Ah, Channeling Leo Lionni's Frederick - beautifully done:)
12/13/2013 12:31:28 am
Breathtaking photo.... I just have to make it up there one day 😊
12/13/2013 01:33:49 am
Okay J.P. You talked of following bear and bobcat tracks. Photos please. Enjoy the hide and seek adventure. By the way thanks for sharing the Mountain with us who don't get there as often as others.
norman the "airborne rebel"
12/13/2013 03:28:33 am
Alright J.P. ; all so a photo of plack at the top of "cliff top" , don't know when or if I will ever make it there again to read it. would love to, but right now looks slim to none!! as Doug Y says, "no matter where you go, there you are" G'day.
Paul B
12/13/2013 05:04:41 am
Norman, I believe it just says "Do Not Go Pass This Sign". The area beyond the sign is a regrowth area and the park wants people to stay off of it. I could be wrong, but I always lean my trekking poles against it so I think that is what it says.
Paul B
12/13/2013 02:23:20 am
As always, love the photos and descriptions. You have motivated me to get out in the morning and enjoy the additional 3-5" we are supposed to get.
norman 'abr'
12/13/2013 07:25:23 am
thanks for the information Paul B !!
12/13/2013 03:59:02 am
Good morning, JP
12/13/2013 04:15:38 am
That 1st picture just warmed me right up!! Having a heatwave in MI. today with 25. That's great compared to 11 the last few days.
12/13/2013 04:31:46 am
How are you supplied? Does someone bring your supplies or do you hike down every so often.
Mtn Rose
12/13/2013 06:22:42 am
I have followed on this website and really enjoy the pictures and updates on MtLeconte.
Mary Anne
12/13/2013 07:13:58 am
As a senior hiker (now 65), I live for hike days. They do indeed build up a stash of memories you can take out later and relish, remembering details, moments, ephemeral beauty. I also take photos and do write ups of our club hikes (Retired Citizens of the Smokies), and try to do my descriptions especially for our members who can no longer hike. I want them to feel as if they had been there. Your descriptions and lovely philosophy on life (especially for one so young) is a gift to us all.
Sherleen Cardwell
12/13/2013 01:41:47 pm
Thanks for adding to my memories J P . I appreciate you .
12/13/2013 02:42:51 pm
Really enjoyed seeing the picture of the sun from your view! I live in the valley about 45 miles from you and it was 9:25am this morning before I could see the sun peeking over the hills behind our house.
12/13/2013 03:55:49 pm
12/13/2013 10:38:44 pm
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