As of 8:30 this morning; Low 8 , 14 inches of snow and still snowing. Wind is causing drifts. Hwy 441 closed. Clouds should be moving out today and warming tomorrow. There was snow at Alum parking area yesterday. If you are planning on hiking this weekend, please be prepared. Gusting winds up to 35 mph forecast. Clouds and rain early next week.
Rain, Rain go away. We need clear weather to fly.
3/11/2011 03:42:32 am
How was your hike up?
3/11/2011 04:10:31 am
Back on Top....
Paul Romanick
3/11/2011 04:51:42 am
What is the best trail for a 10 year old
Todd T
3/11/2011 05:02:58 am
What a welcome back!
Susan B
3/11/2011 06:05:50 am
Yes, we took the Alum Trail as well and my 10 year old did pretty well. Yes, we stopped numerous times to get a breather but i think it had to do with the change of altitude. Living in Missouri, we don't have to worry about it. I would start now taking them on hikes and preparing them. I also have a 17 year old and if I had allowed her, she would have run up the mountain and left us in the dust. Have a great hike up!
3/11/2011 06:30:30 am
Welcome, Allyson. Hope you stay warm and that the weather improves. Looking forward to your pictures and updates.
Allyson Virden
3/11/2011 07:59:09 am
Hey Folks, just checking in to let you all know we did not hike up today. We got a SNOW DAY!!! WE will be hiking up in the morning. I will let you know how it goes
3/11/2011 08:02:34 am
Paul - I agree with Susan & Todd. We've been taking a father/son hike for a stay at the lodge with a group of guys/sons, & daughters now, since 2007 when my son was 5. We've taken Alum up every year. He's done fine every year and has always been the youngest. There were boys complaining the first year just before we reached the top and they were 3-4 years older than he was so I guess it depends on the boy. My advice is go on some short hikes 2-3 miles on hilly terrain now and then take one or two of 5-6 miles and see how he does. That should give you a good indicator how well he tolerates hiking. That's what I did when mom was terrified I was taking out "little boy" hiking up to the lodge. :-) Lots of small breaks works for us. They recover pretty quickly. That's my experience anyway. Hope that helps.
3/11/2011 09:43:00 am
We took our two boys (years ago) hiking up Blood Mountian Ga. I guess we went too fast and they complained all the way. Now they are 18 and 21 and have never hiked again and have no interest in hiking. We love hiking and wished they did.
3/11/2011 11:31:18 am
LeConte looked beautiful from the valley today. But my guess is it would have been a rough hike up. Good luck on making it tomorrow. Wish i could make it up for the fly in. Oh well I guess work comes first.
3/11/2011 03:03:54 pm
Leconte does look beautiful from the valley. I am able to see it from my home. Breathtaking! When are they going to make the drop? Have a great and blessed season. Look forward to all the post and pics.
Terry, Randy and KrisMoose
3/11/2011 03:14:15 pm
It was breathtaking to see LeConte today with the blue sky behind it. Glad y'all didn't make that trek. I know that we hiked "down" last spring with about 5 inches of snow on the ground....of course we came down the Boulevard and that's not always "down". Y'all hike safe and we will see you in a few weeks. I have lots to talk to you about!
Dana O
3/12/2011 02:59:51 am
I consider myself still a kid at heart, so thinking like a 10 year old I would think of Trillium and Rainbow as boring. Alum Cave Trail though even sounds cool and there is such a variety of things to see and experience. If my computer skills are at least up to a 10 year olds skill level this is a web address for a neat color map of Alum Cave Trail (below). If your 10 year is like my son was he'll love locating all of the land marks along the way. My son always enjoyed the Jr. Ranger programs in the Parks and he's almost 16 but still enjoys collecting hiking medallions. Enjoy the journey along the way which will make the final destination even more special.
3/12/2011 07:51:17 pm
We are planning on coming up this coming weekend. Any advice? I've made the Alum in the summer but as it is I'll take any handy advice. Never stayed at the lodge before either.
Dana O
3/13/2011 05:39:14 am
Pay close attention to the weather. The weather will determine what trail you will be able to take depending on whether any of the roads into the park are closed. The picture from posts after March 11 indicate pretty snowing/icy conditions on parts of Alum Cave. There is a site you can go to get weather condition at 3 elevations. Be prepared! Talk to the staff, park officials or the folks at The Happy Hiker in Gatlingburg for advice. Staying at the lodge is a great experience. Comments are closed.
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