Everything in nature invites us constantly to be what we are. We are often like rivers: careless and forceful, timid and dangerous, lucid and muddied, eddying, gleaming, still. Lovers, farmers, and artists have one thing in common, at least - a fear of "dry spells," dormant periods in which we do no blooming, internal droughts only the waters of imagination and psychic release can civilize. All such matters are delicate of course. But a good irrigator knows this: too little water brings on the weeds while too much degrades the soil the way too much easy money can triviliaze a person's initiative. In his journal, Thoreau wrote, "A man's life should be as fresh as a river. It should be the same channel but a new water every instant." Gretel Ehrlich Morning y'all, It's a beautiful, clear morning up top. The high yesterday reached 28 degrees. The overnight low was 8 degrees. It was 24 degrees and clear at 7am observation. The mountain received no new precipitation yesterday, but the onslaught of sun melted 2 inches of snow. There is now about 8 inches left up top. The trails are still rather deep, so if you intend to summit, bring wool socks, gaiters, boots, snow pants and a positive attitude! Enjoy! I saw as many sets of human tracks (1) as I saw wild bobcat tracks (1) as I finished beautiful how-have-I-not-read-this-yet books (1) as I saw beautific pure orange sunsets (1) as I saw perfectly full snow moons (1). The list will go on as long as I will and I'll never be satisfied.
2/4/2015 01:43:33 am
See you don your skis. Liked Gretle's quote of Thoreau. Way to go, 'all the way'. (1's)
Deck K
2/4/2015 01:53:23 am
Hooray for the ski tips!
Ellis C
2/4/2015 03:22:42 am
Received my LaConte calender today, well satisfied, beautiful pictures,I just may order some for my friends.your photos today just made my day, thank you J P.
Richard form MA
2/4/2015 06:56:29 am
2/5/2015 05:07:37 am
Richard from MA
2/6/2015 02:17:38 am
Thanks, JP. I will look for it. You have also opened my eyes to Mary Oliver...
2/8/2015 12:54:35 am
2/4/2015 07:08:52 am
Hey Norman 'ol boy ! What does "GBY" mean !?
2/4/2015 07:43:11 am
Kevin, God bless you. Comments are closed.
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