The clouds lifted yesterday around noon. You could hear the crew and guests start hooping and hollering with delight. The sun was a welcomed sight. As soon as the sun came out, the day hikers followed. We had a dozen or so day hikers make it to the top. They all came up Rainbow. The news on the trail was there was a good path that had been stomped out. There were still trees down, but nothing that wasn't passable. The rhodo thickets were the biggest problem and it sounds as though there was a day hiker who took care of those. Their are guests who will be hiking down Trillium this morning. That should help make that trail passable. I have heard that Alum has been broken as well. I am suspecting an onslaught of day hikers today. There are some things you need to consider before you make the hike. I am begging you all to make sure you have a good pair of ice cleats. It will make your travels much safer. You may want a pair of gaitors to help keep the snow out of your shoes. Wet socks are extremely. dangerous. I highly recommend staying away from wearing any cotton. You want some sort of pant that is quick drying or water proof. A water proof or water resistant jacket is going to be nice as well. You will be passing under a lot of low hanging branches filled with snow. The jacket will help to keep you dry, which in return will keep you warm. Last, but not least, all roads leading into the park are open. All trails leading to the lodge are open. I highly recommend hiking up Rainbow if you are hiking up today. That is the trail that is going to be the most used. Dress warmly. The high yesterday was 25 with a low of 15. We are expecting warmer weather today. It should be clear and sunny for the next few days. The crew had their annual pumpkin carving contest last night. The winner or winners got to sleep through breakfast service. The witch was the winner for the evening. Lindi and Bonnie did a great job on their pumpkin. Instead of sleeping in, they chose to brave the cold so they could witness the spectacular sunrise that I am sure is coming our way.
H Clark
11/1/2012 12:53:11 am
Fantastic photos and good sensible advice for hiking to LeConte lodge in the current conditions. Planning a trip from Newfound Gap to Smokemont, but will probably skip the path around Bunion Rock if snow and ice are still present.
11/1/2012 02:23:02 am
Is there snow now. We are coming Wednesday ? Thanks
Jerry Smith
11/1/2012 03:10:25 am
we are coming Wednesday as well. Hope the trails will be in better shape.
11/1/2012 01:05:12 am
I just want to know who packed those pumpkins up the mountain! The llamas?
Pat N.
11/1/2012 01:06:36 am
Spectacular pics and pumpkins! Great seeing the sun, too. Chris...don't get soooo close to the're making me nervous.
11/1/2012 01:10:11 am
The last few days have been interesting. It's good to hear about the numbers of folks who made the hike up to the lodge despite the conditions, and more importantly that they made it safely from what I read. The variety of advice on hiking in such weather is another source of good reading. I have my own opinions but each individual must adapt both gear and experience to their particular capabilities. I used to train different groups of military personnel in winter survival techniques and there were about as many 'styles' as there were people. The photos during all the snow up there have been beautiful and I appreciate seeing them. I was wondering if anyone made pumpkin pie ? G'day.
Rose M. Brostic
11/1/2012 01:27:11 am
thanks for sharing the wonderful photos. I have worked 13 years at OVC bookstore and have always envied those positions. Are you the winter caretakers too? Thanks for posting those lilfesaving tips for winter hiking.
Thomas B.
11/1/2012 01:30:25 am
The first photo with the conifers in the sun is absolutely striking. All it needs are some Christmas lights....
11/1/2012 01:36:51 am
Awesome photos!
11/1/2012 01:54:34 am
It has been a blast watching your snow pictures over the last few days! I was wondering what the final snowfall total is? Stay warm up there!
11/1/2012 02:13:34 am
Winter wonderland....wished I was there.
tom lundberg
11/1/2012 02:25:57 am
snow has flown! that's great advice for hikers - they should allow extra time because it is always slower going in the snow. they'll also burn more calories during the trip up the mountain. have a great weekend and enjoy the winter above while we cling to fall colors below!
11/1/2012 02:53:06 am
First photo is amazing.
11/1/2012 02:54:41 am
Thanks for the photos. The pic of the brilliant sunshine on the untouched snow is fantastic!
11/1/2012 03:01:28 am
Awesome hike up yesterday. Couple of crawls under the rhodo half way up, but other than that a perfect day. I imagine the trial is going to be pretty soggy today as it was already turning to slush about a third of the way down yesterday evening, that is those parts that don't refreeze.
11/1/2012 03:31:58 am
Thanks for sharing! Is it possible to get a medium or high resolution copy of any of these photos? They are gorgeous! wish I could be there.
11/1/2012 03:39:05 am
Just wondering what the final snow total was?
11/1/2012 05:23:47 am
The first picture is that the sun or the full moon. That picture is amazing.
Sharon Fowler-Hasting
11/1/2012 05:39:02 am
Awesome pictures! We have really enjoyed seeing these in the last few days! Was unaware of this website until our local weatherman (in Chattanooga) showed it on the evening forecast. I now have you in my "favorites" list, and will check it daily! The "perfect" storm!! Keep the pics and posts coming!!!
Kathy C.
11/1/2012 11:46:49 am
That first photo is amazing! It would make a wonderful Christmas card...
11/1/2012 12:18:18 pm
Allyson, my husband was one of the 13 who hiked down Trillium Gap today and he wanted to make sure that you knew they all made it. It was tough and they had to climb under lots of rhododendrum, but they got to their cars about 4:30 pm. He had a wonderful time up there during this "adventure" but doesn't really want to repeat it! Thanks to all of the crew for taking care of them and thanks to all of the other hikers who were so much fun!
Patty Stevens
11/1/2012 03:39:01 pm
I was up there with my son Walley, we left the day before down Rainbow......was an awesome experience and enjoyed everyone up there. The crew was amazing
11/1/2012 01:11:54 pm
You need to make these pictures in Christmas cards! They are beautiful!!
11/2/2012 12:48:34 am
Saw the first photo on Twitter yesterday, it's getting around. Comments are closed.
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