The sun was slowly creeping its way over the mountain top this morning. It is starting out to be a beautiful day. I am not sure how long that is going to last. There are forecasts for rain for the next couple of days. I receive questions about the weather on a daily bases. People wanting to know about hiking up in the storms. If there is one thing Chris and I have learned over the last 11 years, it is to be prepared for anything. We always have our rain jackets with us. The weather in the mountains does not like to abide by the forecasters. I have learned to take what I get. I don't let rain stop me from enjoying a good hike in the woods. If anything, I have grown to appreciate what the forest has to offer on rainy days. There is a certain twinkle in the trees and reflections in the puddles that you don't get on sunny days. With this being said, throw your poncho in your pack and get out there. As my mother used to tell me, "you won't melt".
It is still chilly during the evenings. The low last night was 34 with a high of 56. You will want to bring layers with you to throw on while watching the famous sunsets we see from the mountain. I hope everyone has a good day and happy hiking.
4/24/2013 12:59:38 am
hiking in the smokies, i lay my rain gear on my pack first, then decide what im going to eat. never go without it.
doug y
4/24/2013 01:12:41 am
Most excellent description, Allyson. There is a certain "twinkle" on rainy days; I like hiking then almost as much as I do on 'regular' sunny days. ric: if you ever write a guide book your advice on the rain gear is absolutely correct and should be the very first item on any packing list !
4/24/2013 01:31:49 am
There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing. - Sir Ranulph Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes.
Mary F
4/24/2013 01:45:08 am
I love that Jeff, how true! Thanks for all you do Allyson, Chris and Nathan!
Tony Ga
4/24/2013 01:44:12 am
Haven't seen post from Mr. Steve D in a few days. You out there buddy? Any good hikes lately?
Steve D
4/24/2013 02:11:40 am
Hey Tony-that is funny-I just got on here a minute ago and saw your post. I kind of got off over the weekend when Nathan was having trouble with the internet thinge. I had a wonderful hike last Thursday up Alum, as I had decided to go up late in the day for the first time. I knew that it was going to be pretty cloudy around sunset, but wanted to do it anyway. I love hiking that mountain at different times of the day, as I am amazed at the different shades of light that come into play across those beautiful ridges and thru the trees. I left the trailhead at 4pm, and only encountered two groups of folks that were heading up to the top at that time of the day. When I arrived up top, they were serving that wonderful dinner at the Lodge, and I said hi to Nathan, Chris, and Allyson. My dinner(sandwich) was not near as inviting as the other folks were having! Though the sun was out most of the hike up, it was fast getting cloudy and more windy up top(no surprise there), and that is another thing that I love-the difference in the weather up top. Just before 7pm after having some good conversation with other hikers, I decided to head back down, and do the sunset photo shoot another day. I really enjoyed the slow change in light as I went down, and by the time I got to Arch Rock it was pretty much completely dark. I was ready to put on my headlamp, but discovered that there was just enough light that I could navigate ok. I often go out at night outside my house to look at the starry sky, and wish that there were no street lights so I could see the natural beauty of the night. So I found myself really enjoying being in the dark, and sang myself all the way back to the trailhead, arriving there a little after 9pm. I feel very blessed to be able to get out there so often right now, it is great! It is so nice to meet all the mountain lovers out there and on this blog. Have a great day everyone.
Tony Ga
4/24/2013 02:26:14 am
Living the life! It may be a little late in the day to get a reply but I will try anyway. Last year (late April) I started up (Alum) in the dark (flashlight) but it was early daylight as I reached the Arch Rock and I wondered how it would have been in the dark (it being so dark). I assume you had a clear sky & possibly some moonlight? (full moon is 12:25 e.std. 25 Apr so you could have had some) but in any event I wondered when reading your post how the sky appeared (stars, clouds, moon.). Your post made me remember a fun day. Thanks
4/24/2013 02:51:48 am
Thanks Tony. It was a fun day and perfect weather. I love living here. Im between the Smokies and Pisgah National Forest so I have lots of hiking options.
Steve D
4/24/2013 02:08:53 pm
JLeonard-actually it had become very cloudy by the time it got dark, and so I didn't get to see the stars or the moon-but hopefully the next time I will get to try on a clear night. It was a different feeling being completely in the dark, and I really enjoyed it. The quiet at night seems different, and I so enjoyed hearing the wind and the sounds of the water in the stream from Arch Rock to the trailhead.
Judy V
4/24/2013 02:05:43 am
I'll be in the Smokies for a few days this weekend. I'm totally mesmerized by Mt. Leconte! I'm not a hiker but Mary F (Hi Mary!) was nice enough to suggest that I use Alum Cave. So the wet weather shouldn't make the hike that much more difficult?
Mary F
4/24/2013 08:21:28 am
Hi Judy! Glad you made it up. I just arrived in these great mountains two weeks ago, will be spending the entire summer here. I came early this year (from Florida) to get a sneak peek at some of these gorgeous wildflowers my hiking group raves about. I have not been disappointed, WOW! Today we hiked Kephart Prong, Saturday we did Porters Creek and before that Beech Gap. The wildflowers are spectacular, I believe I may have to come up early every year that I am fortunate enough to be able to spend here. I know you will enjoy Alum, let us know how you do!!
4/25/2013 12:37:47 am
have you tried lower mt crammerer or the low gap trails out at cosby? the top of low gap is carpeted with millions (litterly cant see the gruoond) with spring buties) and theres a gazillion trillums on crammerer - 4 different kinds and 1 is only on that trail. i did porter creek saturday as well. was really nice.
Steve D
4/25/2013 02:43:28 am
Judy-Good for you, so glad another person influenced you to go up and see Mt LeConte! Alum is my favorite trail, and has stunning views on the upper section. Rain doesn't make it more difficult necessarily, you just might have to slow down on the rocky passes as they can get slick with the rain. If you have some good rain gear, that will help of course. Have fun and let us know how it went!
doug y
4/24/2013 03:00:45 am
Steve D: Superb !
Brian N bama
4/24/2013 04:24:15 am
Good morning Mt Leconte!! Allyson, will you be on the mountain may 11th? My sons and I are bringing up my dad and uncle for their first trip to the top.
4/24/2013 07:27:47 am
Where is a good place in Gatlinburg to get a early Breakfast before we hike up maybe sometime before 7:00am
Brian N bama
4/24/2013 08:02:59 am
The Log Cabin Pancake House on airport has been our place of choice before every over night journey to Mt Lconte. I think they open at 7:00.
tomk in SC
4/24/2013 04:56:43 pm
We love the Log Cabin Pancake House as well. Good, fast enough, but slow enough to chat a bit.
Donnie R
4/24/2013 08:14:01 am
Ahhh YES Brian ! Love the Log's definetly my family's favorite. Best coffee in the Burg ;)
4/24/2013 09:11:34 am
Agree with Brian N Bama...that is my stop for a great breakfast before heading out to the trail to LeConte. They have a Seniors Breakfast (don't need to be a senior to get it) that I find is just the amount of food to start hiking..not a lot and not heavy. Enjoy the food and enjoy the hike!
4/24/2013 09:35:13 am
Glad to see you back Allyson, how was the wedding? Gina: Your pictures on FB was awsome!
4/24/2013 10:28:22 am
TY, remember next time you get a live shot!
4/24/2013 12:23:26 pm
Just figure a 40% chance of rain everyday in GSMNP
4/24/2013 08:20:23 pm
are you jewish? Comments are closed.
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