tenderly, tenderly please take my breath from me into the fountains and up from the graves.12/18/2012
_Morning, I awoke to some snowfall this morning! Perhaps I was a bit hasty in losing hope for anything resembling a promising winter. It's not much, but it's a start. The high yesterday reached 41 degrees. The overnight low was 25 degrees. It was 25 degrees and cloudy at 7am observation. The mountain received .20" of rain yesterday and a dusting of patchy snow. _I was treated to a spectacular light show over Gatlinburg last night. There was a low hanging storm that caught me by surprise as I was headed for bed. At first, I thought that I was seeing things. The display seemed too dramatic to be lightning and it didn't occur to me that I'd see such an exhibition this late in the year. It was hard to make out the storm clouds at first against the inky, black sky, but I quickly grabbed my down jacket from inside and huddled in a rocker with my sleeping bag. From about 6:30 to 7:30 I was able to see about 25 flashes from above. I'm guessing the Knoxville Airport was diverting flights around the storm, as there were more visible airplanes than I've ever seen up here. I counted 7 planes at one point on the outer edges of the storm. It's also possible that there are always that many planes, I am just usually in bed by 7pm ... the exhausting life of a caretaker!
12/18/2012 04:13:33 am
I'm so glad your back this winter. I read all you posted last winter and precieve you as a friend. I am a senior and probably will never have the opportunity to make a trek up to the top of Leconte. Your pics gives me and others a very good look at what we are missing. Thanks A Million. GB
12/18/2012 05:06:04 am
Spectacular pictures! Glad you got a little snow and how fortunate to "trip the light fantastic". I remember once when I coaxed 4 of my friends to join me on LeConte (I'd been many, many times before) and it rained and stormed all night. One of them commenced to tell her friends after we departed the mountain that it was so much more severe up there as we "were closer" to it than they were down below. It is memories like these that make me long for the mountain and counting the days until mid-September when I again have reservations for overnight. Wishing you Happy Holidays on LeConte, JP, and lots of snow this winter!
Bill Drummy
12/18/2012 06:37:27 am
JP, great photos, glad you received a bit of snow. I am in Chicago today...cold and gray.
Renee Ryan
12/18/2012 10:34:08 am
May I ask..Why in the world do you go to bed so early? Haha! Just kiddin.I'm sure I'd do the same thing.Do you get up early too?
12/18/2012 08:22:38 pm
I set the 1st pic for my wallpaper and then scrolled down and seen more beautiful pics. Decided on the cliff tops photo for the day. Love it!! Comments are closed.
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