The airlift is finished. We flew for another 3 hours on Friday. The supplies are up and we will be open for business on Monday. We will be selling t-shirts and lunches on Monday, if you are bored you should hike up and see us. The crew will be working hard for the next few days. We are still walking thru tunnels of snow but it does seem to be melting. The high yesterday was 34 and the low was 27. It looks like it is going to be another beautiful day on top of Mt. LeConte.
ave ug Y.
3/20/2010 02:08:29 am
I'm sure it's a big relief to have the airlift completed, and I can sense the anticipation of Monday's opening from 100 mi away; The photos of the lodge under the snow have been most enjoyable and I appreciate seeing them. I'm trying to decide whether or not to bring my own big digital camera intwo weeks as it's rather bulky; I really need to get a small compact one for the trail. Have a relaxing weekend !
Doug Y.
3/20/2010 02:11:40 am
Crickey ! My typing is so bad I can't even get my name right ! I would imagine that the trails will be full Monday morning.
3/20/2010 03:06:39 am
Yeah for the volunteers!
Patty Stevens
3/20/2010 10:18:20 am
Please Please show us a picture of the new shirt we will earn this year.
patty stevens
3/20/2010 10:19:11 am
Sorry I always spell your name wrong.
3/20/2010 10:52:00 am
Hi, I have a question for you. . . 3/21/2010 12:55:42 am
Doug Y.
3/21/2010 01:40:22 am
I, too, was wondering about the llamas with Trillium closed; In July I plan to take that trail so I can see them, although I doubt I could keep pace ! Must be an interesting sight; Y
3/21/2010 01:47:29 am
I tried Ron Metcalfe's link but for some reason I couldn't reach it; I might be missing something or another; I think I'll get a small digital this week rather than carry my big Nikon D70, but I really don't know which brand to purchase; I have only Walmart and Office Depot to choose from. I enjoy everyone's photos.
3/21/2010 01:51:29 am
Reached Ron's site; thanks for the nice photos Ron !
3/21/2010 03:44:41 am
Hi! Coming up to the Lodge this weekend. Yes, I've definitely been reading all the blogs on this site and the trail advice on! Any other sites others recommend? Any updates to advice on "must have crampons"? Bringing up a pretty big group with a wide range of ages, experience levels and fitness. A few of us have been up several times, but in early fall not during heavy snow. Not crazy about bringing this mix up Alum Cave. Also did Cherokee Orchard open as scheduled? Still thinking Rainbow Falls is our best option if so. If you reply: thanks for humoring a relative newbie. 3/21/2010 07:55:02 am
Ric, Comments are closed.
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