If you have a reservation for this evening, we are asking you to please not hike up. Please call our reservations office and they will take care of you. Well, we are hanging in there. It was a long night last night, for us and the hikers who came up. We had ten more guests show up between 7 pm and 11 pm. There were a few experienced hikers who love hiking in winter conditions. They said it was extremely difficult for them. It took some of them 10 hours to hike up Rainbow Falls trail. There are a lot of trees down on the trails. The hikers were telling stories of crawling under some of these blow downs. We currently have 34" of snow. The drifts are up to the roof on the dining hall. Chris and I snowshoed out Alum a little ways to check it out, it was hard with snow shoes. John and Bonnie hiked through waist deep snow to check out Cliff Tops. The temperatures are in the teens. The high yesterday was 20 with a low of 16. We are expecting another 3 inches on top of this snow.
We have heard that the Park Service is going to attempt to work on Rainbow today. We hope they will make some headway on the trail and clear it out for people to be able to make it up tomorrow. I believe between people hiking down and the trail crew working their magic, the trail will be in much better shape. If you have any questions, please call our reservations office. Once again, I can not stress enough, please do not attempt to hike up in these conditions. We are asking all overnight guests to call our reservations office and make alternative plans. I apologize for any inconvenience, but this is for your safety. We look forward to seeing all of you at the lodge in better conditions.
Tony Ga
10/31/2012 12:32:29 am
Beautiful and dangerous.
10/31/2012 11:48:20 am
After reading the comments I am wondering why no one is interested in hiking up Trillium. We hike the trails (locals) and
10/31/2012 12:56:34 am
Coming up Monday.Going to need snowshoes?Can I assume detailed weather info on LeConte home page is not correct as it shows no snow? Are temps shown at least correct?Looking for Saturday and Sunday hikes.Going to be able to make Abrams Falls OK?Any other suggestions?Thanks!
10/31/2012 01:01:29 am
No snowshoes---- the trail will be packed down & icy. You need instep crampons or spikes.
10/31/2012 01:04:13 am
For weather, check the local G'burg temps and subtract 15... That will be close enough for preparation purposes. Always be ready for wet weather & wind in the Smokies regarless of forecast.
Devin R
10/31/2012 01:13:55 am
For those of you who working at the lodge who technically don't have anywhere to be...you are truly blessed with working in such a beautiful place! I can't even imagine what 34" of snow looks like as it comes down or is piled up on the ground! This Tampa native can't wait to retire in the Smokeys! Stay warm and safe!
Heather Hayes
10/31/2012 01:16:39 am
I was up in May wearing shorts. I am itching to get up there again, but I think I will wait and not attempt a 10 hour hike up Rainbow Falls. Stay safe and warm and you are all in my prayers.
10/31/2012 01:18:23 am
How much weight will the roof hold? All that wet snow must be heavy! Is there any storm damage to the lodge?
10/31/2012 01:38:08 am
I'm really hoping to hike up on Saturday and had planned to take Boulevard from the AT and hike down Alum. Looks like I may need to change that to Rainbow? Anyone else planning to go up on Saturday?
10/31/2012 01:48:42 am
We are so hoping to hike up on Friday and will feel better hiking with some others. Is anyone else planning to go on Friday. Still wondering which trail is best and about going same trail as llamas if they go up that day.
High On LeConte
10/31/2012 01:58:32 am
The llamas will not be coming up for awhile. The park service will be doing trail work on Rainbow today and Trillium tomorrow. We have people hiking down Rainbow today. I am guessing that those two trails are going to be the best bet for compacted snow. I will keep everyone up to date on trail conditions as I hear.
10/31/2012 01:58:10 am
My brother and I plan on hiking up Saturday. We were planning on going up and down the same day. I don't know if that is possible now. He's the hiking expert. Physically we are both in great shape but I don't want to get up there and end up stuck! Looks like a lot of FUN!
10/31/2012 07:09:17 am
Looks sooooo beautiful, but dangerous
10/31/2012 08:19:42 am
We are going up Saturday a little before day break.
10/31/2012 01:58:42 am
Mark and to those going up on Friday--
10/31/2012 11:44:14 am
Stephanie. Thanks! My wife and I will meet you and your group at Rainbow Falls 9am Friday. We spoke with Tim the GM and he says there'll be hikers tomorrow and Rainbow Falls should be in decent condition.
Pat N.
10/31/2012 02:08:26 am
Glad you are all safe, and hats off to you for caring and keeping others safe as well. Sure hope people follow your wise warnings. Right now it's best to sit at home and enjoy your outstanding pictures.
Greg Donahue
10/31/2012 02:17:34 am
Allyson, Coming up on Saturday, can't wait! Do you guys need anything?
Brian N bama
10/31/2012 02:30:30 am
My only regret is not leaving work monday morning, driving up and hiking up to stay with y'all. That would hav been a once in a lifetime for me. One day though, one day.
Katie Bruno
10/31/2012 02:32:08 am
OK.... Let's be real. We have reservations for Friday night, I just feel like we'll be fools for trying to hike up. What can we do? Apply out money for this trip to next year's reservation?
Katie Bruno
10/31/2012 03:47:11 am
My big girl pants are ready. Just hope they stay warm! ;)
Mary Anne Sheffield
10/31/2012 02:34:41 am
Sis just called little before 9 that they and 5 others were attempting to head down Rainbow. Thought it was a little premature, would have waited another day maybe?
Jeremy Barnett
10/31/2012 02:34:49 am
Hiked up last May with former lodge crew member Dave as my guide. Would love to hike up and see God's masterpiece in the making, but I guess I'll have to do the next best thing and check the site daily. JP, I wish you could be there to play in the snow. Maybe this is just a taste of what you will get to see this winter.
Yep, this Michigan girl has seen a easy 34 inches. One night a couple of years ago we got 26 in one night. Mostly lake effect in Ludington, Mi. Of course we dug out pretty quick with snowplows. But boy, very unsafe people. Only putting yourself and the ones who have to come and rescue you in danger. Stay safe everyone. Unless your extremely experienced, stay home, stay safe, or go ride the go carts.
Jenny Bivans
10/31/2012 02:56:39 am
Thanks for keeping us informed. We have aborted our hike up tonight. We are so disappointed, but we understand. We hope to be in touch to reschedule for the future. Jenny and Wayne Bivans
10/31/2012 03:33:28 am
Looks beautiful, but I will stay put in Ohio. Please everyone stay safe and will keep all of you in my prayers.
Devin R
10/31/2012 03:42:00 am
I don't know about ya'll who are heading up this weekend...but if we were heading up, we would purposely chose a trail less traveled this week...Alum, Boulevard, Bullhead...we would get as early of a start as possible and enjoy the strain and physical exertion that comes with breaking into the fresh snow. Even if it means climbing over/under some blowdowns!
10/31/2012 03:59:39 am
alum cave is not less traveled, but the most traveled. neither will there be any fresh snow to break, but compacted ice on all trails. physical exertion & blow downs are assured.
Devin R
10/31/2012 04:26:05 am
I meant in terms of this particular week. I wouldn't expect many people to make it past the bluffs within the next 2 days and the higher elevations of Alum would be quite tricky with 30" of snow on some of those cliffs.
10/31/2012 03:56:21 am
Hope you guys are well. Is this the largest amount of snow over a few day period that you guys have experienced at LeConte? BTW, the weather channel just referenced the 34" amount for your area.
10/31/2012 03:56:39 am
How far up (what elevation) does the snow start on Rainbow Falls Trail? How many miles of the trail are snow packed?
10/31/2012 04:04:20 am
OH how I wish I was up there right now!!! We hiked up July 2011 and it was beautiful, I can't imagine (other than seeing the pictures) what it would be like with this! Hope all of the hikers and crews stay safe!!
10/31/2012 04:07:50 am
It's a story line. Isn't that one of the biggest reasons we go out back. I hope this is a fantastic story line for guest and the Leconte lodge crew.Thanks for the wonderland pics. Daniel T and I had the good fortune of being overnight guest at Alum Cave during the 93 Superstorm/1993 storm of the century.
10/31/2012 04:31:55 am
Could any experienced snow hikers tell me what the trails might be like by Thursday or Friday of next week? I was planning a day hike to the lodge, but am not sure whether there would be enough time in those conditions. My fitness level is very high, but I'm sure hiking on packed icy trail would take considerably more time. If five hours up Alum is possible, I would try it. If not...well, I'll hike the lower trails.
Brian N bama
10/31/2012 04:58:31 am
I too am curious to the condition Alum may be in on the 9th of nov. maybe it won't be to icy
10/31/2012 05:52:57 am
Alum will be icy until March 2013!
Brian N bama
10/31/2012 06:59:05 am
I just hope it won't be any more icy than usual. I have made a few trips up alum on the ice but this will be the first for my wife and yongest son. Slow and steady, enjoy the view.
Brian N bama
10/31/2012 07:32:35 am
I have them some yaktrax pros on the way. Maybe with the ice, I will be able to stay up with my oldest son. I think he needs to hike with John. He is young and wide open, I am old and enjoy the ride.LOL
10/31/2012 08:45:10 am
Brian, my wife and I actually prefer hiking on iced over trails with our microspikes than hiking on bare rock in the summer with just our boots ! Feels more stable when you can really dig in! Have fun! I hear ya Brian. My son is always trying to break his record. He always wants to go on by himself and meet us at the top. My husband and I tend to slow the 15 year down. But on the way down those 2 are flying. I too want to stop and enjoy the view. I am always afraid of breaking something and tend to go slower on the way down. But my husband is a old dirt biker and tends to just fly through the bush!
Beckie L.
10/31/2012 04:37:01 am
We hiked up for the day last tuesday. It was a very warm & perfectly sunny day! What a difference 1 week has made. I live just down hwy441 outside of cherokee, NC & made the joke that we should hike in this past sunday to watch what happens. Sure am glad I didnt do that. Not equipped to be in that kind of snow. It sure is great to be able to see your pictures!! Thanks for sharing.
10/31/2012 04:40:36 am
Well I guess the deep snow will increase John Northrup's normal pace coming up the Alum Cave Trail to a whopping 1 hour!!
10/31/2012 04:47:32 am
Woody is probably right with his comment. What an experience for those on the mountain. Please heed Alyson's warning, especially if you are not super seasoned to hike in extreme conditions.
Carl (Waterboy)
10/31/2012 04:54:32 am
Best of luck to all! Stay warm and I'll see ya next April.
Paul Erwin
10/31/2012 05:07:46 am
Anyone hiking up Alum Cave through the snow?
10/31/2012 05:12:24 am
After seeing this beauty and people still say there is not a God. For those with questions about hiking late next week...I checked the NWS forecast for Leconte (6498') and it shows temps mostly above freezing from Friday through Tuesday. May be colder than that since forecast models rarely do an adequate job with the cooling effect of heavy snow cover. Still think that by late next week it shouldn't be too difficult.
10/31/2012 08:57:48 am
That sounds good, thanks for the info.
10/31/2012 05:29:24 am
What is the best trail to take this weekend? Alum or Rainbow Falls? By best I mean least dangerous for snowy/icy conditions.
Devin R
10/31/2012 05:46:17 am
Sounds like Rainbow is going to be your best bet.
greg from dallas ga
10/31/2012 05:39:56 am
how long to hike with the weather being like it is today
10/31/2012 05:44:42 am
Anyone going up and back (one day) Saturday via Rainbow ?
10/31/2012 06:01:30 am
I'm going to try it. I'm hoping the trail is in decent shape by then.
10/31/2012 06:39:59 am
I too plan to try it and will currently be hiking solo. Anyone looking for someone to hike with or at least near?
10/31/2012 06:40:59 am
I plan to try it and will currently be hiking solo. Anyone looking for someone to hike with or at least near?
10/31/2012 08:25:28 am
We are going up Saturday via rainbow. More the better... We plan on starting before day break.
Blake Williams
10/31/2012 08:46:51 am
I am. I'll be coming from Nashville. Plan is noon
ken taylor
10/31/2012 05:49:42 am
question, is the crew still carving pumpkins today or will it be snowmen ? Seriously wanted to comment on how good a job you & the crew are doing under the circumstances stay safe :)
Karen Coleman
10/31/2012 06:22:24 am
We nixed our plans to hike the mtn on my birthday, and I am glad we did. those weather conditions are never forgiving up there. -- saw some of your information cited on the Weather Channel. =-) Enjoy the Snow Daze!!!
10/31/2012 06:33:09 am
Wow, how beautiful!! We hiked up 3 years ago on Halloween and I have been wanting to make another trip on this date. Love the pumpkin contest. LeConte is beautiful all year but my gosh, what a beyond words can describe scene today. One of my favorite places!! Comments are closed.
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