Good morning everyone. I'm Nathan, the assistant manager at LeConte Lodge, and Allyson's been kind (and patient) enough to train me on updating High on LeConte in preparation for her days off. This is her photo, as she's far more accomplished in that field than I. It's a mighty delicate thing updating a website from a mountain without electricity that is freely available in the great cosmopolitan centers of world commerce. I hope it's easier to learn than shaving my head by light of a kerosene lamp (that requires a great deal of faith and a handful of bandages).
We've been enjoying a nice spell of weather here on LeConte. The nights and mornings have been chilly, but not inordinately so for this time of year. We topped out at a high of 51 Monday, while our overnight low slid to 28. Upon Chrissy's return to the lodge last night, we marked the completion of our 2012 LeConte crew. She was a valued member of last year's staff and we're proud to have her back. She ascended via Alum Cave Bluff and reported that the trail was as dry as she could remember. That should make for good hiking and safer traction on the rocks. Come on up and see us. Happy trails.
Paul B
4/10/2012 02:54:33 am
Nathan, nice inaugural post!
Tom S
4/10/2012 03:54:48 am
Congrats on being up on crew again Chrissy, I know that's where you really want to be & it's great knowing you're once again part of the fantastic staff at the top. I'll try and drag Waterboy up on one the trips in the near future as I'm sure he'll be glad to know you're back. See ya soon.
4/10/2012 04:39:29 am
Hi Nathan. Thanks for taking over for Allyson. We appreciate news from up top. Good job! Good job Nathan you had a wonderful post!! I don't know if you remember me, but you went to take my pic and Allison said she'd do it since she wanted to post us on her guest sightings. I think I was talking to you and got side tracked, please forgive me. I know what you and the crew were eating that day looked pretty tasty! Toasted chesse with some sort of meat in it. The crew there are wonderful people and were honored to have such great people looking after the lodge. Thank you!
4/10/2012 05:21:06 am
Hi Nathan! Glad to hear about the Alum Cave trail. We'll be coming up tomorrow. We were snowed out the last time we tried in April. Can't wait to return the lodge!
Jacque J
4/10/2012 05:47:42 am
Hello Nathan. Great first blog! My husband and I have met you a couple of times up there when we have been overnight guests at the lodge. We appreciated your kind hospitality you showed to all the guests! It's just so great up on Le Conte!!
4/10/2012 06:05:49 am
Hoping for great weather when I bring the whole family up on April 25th. Will be coming up trillium so they can see the llamas. Look out meat and potatoes!!!!!!!
Joyce R.
4/10/2012 06:17:59 am
Nathan, we will look forward to your posts and pictures. Also, glad to hear that Crissy is back this year. You both help make the LeConte experience great! The good Lord willing, I will see you April 23--so looking forward to sitting in one of those rockers sipping hot cocoa.
Jeanie (& Pat)
4/10/2012 07:04:40 am
Hey Nathan!!! Great blog! Allyson trained you well! Of course you are already a great writer. We're looking forward to your blogs for the time Allyson is off the mountain. We're very happy to hear that Chrissy is back. We'll see you in May. Take care!
4/10/2012 07:20:09 am
Welcome back Chrissy. I heard you would arrive after Easter. Hope to be making a trip before my new granddaughter arrives in June.
Pat N.
4/10/2012 08:42:29 am
We sure had a great hike and visit on April 2. Nice having my new t-shirt and sweatshirt from the mountain. Sorry we didn't get a chance to see you, Nathan. Next time..and welcome back Chrissy!
4/10/2012 08:48:50 am
Great job Nathan. Allyson has left the blog in capable hands.
Steve Smith
4/10/2012 12:36:31 pm
Nathan, Have you noticed any smoke from the fire on English mountain?
Dee S.
4/10/2012 01:01:17 pm
Hello, Nathan! you did as fine a job as a writer on this blog as you did checking me into my cabin March 29th and making me very much at home. Thank you for your hard efforts on the mountain.
doug y.
4/11/2012 05:23:27 am
Hello Nathan: I met you two years ago when I checked in; It's good to see people working there that really care about the lodge and its guests; Have a good week ! Comments are closed.
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