"How glorious a greeting the sun gives the mountains." - John Muir It is hard to not have a smile on your face when you walk outside and see this view. The sunrise was awe-inspiring this morning. We have been lucky the past few days. We have only had a sprinkle or two of rain. Yesterday looked like it was going to rain the whole day, but we never saw a drop. I am super excited to see what today brings. I have a feeling it is going to be a spectacular day on the mountain. Time to soak up some rays and discover again how magnificent this mountain is.
7/29/2013 01:00:28 am
norman airborne
7/29/2013 01:47:13 am
7/29/2013 04:08:18 am
It is a wonderful cool & dry morning down here in town also! Happy Hikiing to all who are heading up.
7/29/2013 04:19:01 am
We're set to hike up on Wednesday. Hopefully no rain during our hike, but we tend to be unlucky, lol. How bad would it have to be for us to abort? 7/29/2013 04:29:13 am
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y N A T H A N !!!
7/29/2013 05:07:54 am
Its gorgeous down here in the valley, I sure hope it is up there for ya'll. Im ready for a hike up.
Steve D
7/29/2013 05:59:15 am
Good morning all-I haven't been on in a while, but have kept up with the posts every week and miss Mt LeConte terribly. Don't put off going up it because you never know when you will get back. I will be hiking Mt Haleakala from now on at least for a while as my wife and I have moved to Maui, HI. All of this came up very quickly revolving around a job opportunity combined with the opportunity for the BIG ADVENTURE. So here we are, and I can't wait to hike the trails over here. Hi to all the regulars here, and I hate that I won't get to meet you for a while. Keep hiking that beautiful Mtn.
Tony Ga
7/29/2013 06:05:06 am
Steve D, Enjoy your adventure of a lifetime while you're out there. We'll get together for a hike whenever you return. Got the fireplace set in the Pergola. Will email you a link to the pics. Enjoy my friend!
norman (airborne 18th corps)
7/29/2013 08:09:20 am
amen to "enjoy your adventure"
Brian N bama
7/29/2013 09:40:26 am
Steve D, best of luck to you on your new journey. I have really enjoyed ready your post and soaking up all the knowledge that you offered. I suppose we will have to do double duty on the trail and the blog. HAPPY TRAILS
7/29/2013 09:41:08 am
love the John Muir quote and the picture!!!
7/31/2013 12:18:26 am
We day hiked up today, and the weather was perfect. It was 61 degrees at the trail head of Alum cave, dry and crisp. On days like this you get an excited "I won the lottery" feeling as you climb. Every view, stunning. Up on top, the small group at Cliff Tops was giddy, every direction crystal clear. Almost exactly seven months earlier I had the same luck, 12/30/12, it was clear, dry with a coating of fresh powder snow on everything. Last July I was rewarded after the climb with rain and a view of 10 feet, so you really appreciate the great days! Comments are closed.
LeConte LodgeWelcome to the official blog of LeConte Lodge. We hope you find the information provided here both helpful and enjoyable. Thank you for visiting the site, and we hope to see you on the mountain! Archives
January 2025