When I see that moon moving Through the clouds in the sky I get a crazy feeling and I wonder why2/19/2011
High 42, Low 28. Pam, you're right! it wasn't the wolf moon, I do believe EarthSky on NPR informed me wrong... hmm.. http://www.leconte-lodge.com/hiking.html That link should get you to the trailheads. As far as how long it will take y'all, I've seen it take people between 2hrs and 13hrs during the season depending on many factors. There were maybe 30 people on trail yesterday, I'd imagine there to be many, many more than that today, I think my morning ritual of cooking oatmeal and listening to NPR in my skivvies, is about over.
2/19/2011 03:25:07 am
Yeah you might be right Alex!! Keep your clothes on, you might be getting company!!
Pink Floyd
2/19/2011 03:27:51 am
"and everything under the sun is in tune, but the Sun is eclipsed by the Moon."
2/19/2011 12:47:19 pm
Thanks for the info. and link Alex!
Bill Yeadon
2/20/2011 01:08:46 am
It's a marvelous night for a Moondance, with the stars up above in your eyes.
2/20/2011 11:11:33 am
Just how comfortable is your living quarters when it comes to heat. Do you have propane heat or is it kerosene? What's the temp level you keep in the quarters during the coldest part of winter?
Ken T
2/20/2011 12:11:37 pm
To: Tomk, Tony, Vicki, Marilyn and Joyce. Loved your comments. My wife and I made our first hike to Leconte last year-overnight at age 70, you know how much we enjoyed it. Can't wait for April for the next trip....2 nights!!!! Thanks to Alex and Allyson for making it bearable until April. Comments are closed.
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